Chapter Ten

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(Selena's P.O.V.)
Last night was amazing. The bed was so comfortable and I slept great. When I woke up before Justin, I smiled at how peaceful he looked and kissed him. He stirred in his sleep and wrapped his arms tighter around my waist. I giggled and managed to get out of his grip. I took a shower and put on some white high a waist shorts and a casual black crop top. After, I put on some concealer, foundation and blush. On my eyes, i put simple nude-colored eyeshadow and eyeliner. I then went to the nearby kitchen and cooked me, Justin and Emily some breakfast. Half through my breakfast, Justin came over, holding Emily in his arms. She was playing with his hair and was giggling. "Daddy, your hawir is fwunny." Justin was laughing of course. "Daddy always wakes up with bad hair." he said, laughing and tivkling her stomach. She was laughing and said "Daddy, stwop! It twickles!" I was laughing so hard that it caused me to spit out my food in my mouth and laugh. Justin put Emily down and came towards me(I was standing after i put awaymy food). He wrapped his arms aroynd my waist and gave me a kiss. "Aww, babe. You didn't uave to make breakfast. I would have done it for me and Emily." he said, offeringly. "Babe, of course I had to 'cause-". He cut me off by putting his right index finger on my lips, sligjtly messing up my lip gloss and chapstick. "Babe, you do too much for us. It's time that you take some time for yourself. Go to thr spa, go dhopping. Anything to get your mind off of doung anything that requires you jelping someone 24/7." I smiled and Justin felt it on his finger. I brushed his finger off gently and said "Thank you, baby. But if you want me to have a day all to myself, then you have to hand over your credit card." gsmesturinghim to pass me his card. He gave me a look that said: "I am really regretting that i ever said any of that." I understood this and I came closer to his ear. "I'll buy a little something for you, too." I said, seductively. His eyes lit up and he immediately ran to his pants and grabbed his credut card. "You better noy make me regret this." he said giving me a look that said so. "Trust me, I won't." I said, winking. We both laughed. Emily and Justin both ate their food and went to the living room and waited for me. 5 minutes later, I came out wearing grey leggings, a black crop top, a leather jacket and a pair of black leather combat boots. I also had sunglasses on. As I walked in, Justin whistled and said "Wow. Go tiger." as I did a 360 spin. "I know. I have a gift of dressing and someday, i'd like to be a designer. I can sow, draw and may i just say," I continued, fake modeling, "I can definitely model." Justin nodded while looking at my ass and biting his lip. I walked over to him and whispered "You like what you see?" in his ear, seductively. He nidded viciously. I quietly chuckled. "You'll plenty more of this once I buy that surprise I promised." I said whispered once more with the same tone. He grinned anf grabbed both me and Emy's hand. "Well we better get to the mall before the sale is over." he said, rambling and then grabbing my purse in between our hands, locked together. Ibjust chuckled at how happy he was. It was cute. But seriously... I have no idea what i'll get him. But the only thing I need to know, is that it's has to(and is going) be sexxyy....
Ooohh.. What do you guys think Selena is gonna buy. Stay tuned...

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