Chapter Seven

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Hey guys. I'm gonna start this chapter as if it's the day that Emily, Justin and Selena leave for the tour. Hope you like it 👍...
(Justin's P.O.V.)
I can't believe the two most important people in my life are going on my Purpose tour. Its gonna be a dream come true. Especially because all my,fans, including my family, live my music and support me through thick and thin. They're the ones that make this possible and I can't wait to hear them scream out my name. I love them so much.
(Selena's P.O.V.)
I am sooo excited, considering, that today is the FIRST DAY OF THE TOUR!! I'm so proud of Justin because he has gone through so much just to make this tour and album come alive and I am honored to be apart if an amazing journey that will last a life time. And I am also glad to say Emily will be joining us to during this momentous occasion. And, yes, I know that later on she will muss her friends day by day so I already made plans with all her friends parents with calling, video chatting and what-not so we should be good for at least 3 months before they all get a little annoying. But I still don't care. All I care about is that we are going on the tour as a family and that's all u could literally ask for. I live them both with all my heart and nothing can change that.
(Emily's P.O.V.)
I cwan't bewieve that I'm am going on toour with daddy. Its gonna be so mwuch fun. But I gonna mwiss my fwiends. I hope we will stwill be able to bwe fwiends. Yay!!
(Nobodies P.O.V.)
Selena and Justin woke up in each others arms and smiled at each other. "Today is the big day. You ready?" Justin asked. "I was born ready." Selena replied, confidently. Justin chuckled and kissed her cheek. He then got up and walked to the bath room in their bedroom. "Baby, go wake up Emy and get her ready. We have to be out in an hour so we can go to the private jet." Justin said as he was taking a shower. "Okay baby. But when I'm done getting her ready, you have to be ready so that I can take a shower." "Alright, baby." Selena got up and walked out and into Emily's bedroom which was the very big and about the same size as Justlena's. Selena sat beside Emily's bed and shook her slightly while saying "Emy, wake up. Today is the day that we are going on tour with daddy." She beamed up and started doing her happy dance in the middle of the room. Selena was laughing so hard, she fell of the bed. "I'M GONNA GO ON TOOUR WITH DADDY AND MOMMY!!" she screamed. Justin could here her so he was just laughing as he got out the shower. "Hahaha. Come one baby. If you wanna go on tour, you have to come so I can get you ready." Selena said, slightly still laughing. And by the time she said that, Emily was already in the bathroom, showering. Selena had picked out cute cheetah-print uggs(the real ones 😂), black leggings, and a white children's crop top that would soon match the one that Selena was going to wear. She walked into the bathroom and said "Emy, your clothes are laud out on the bed okay?" "Okay, momma." she replied, as she was still taking a shower. Selena walked out if the room and walks back into her own room and picked out her clothes. She picked out a white non-sleeve crop top (just like Emily), Black leggings and black leather ankle high combat boots. She laid them on the bed and walked into the bathroom wear Justin was shaving. "What's there to shave?" she said, laughing. "Well if you went the puberty that boys went through, you would understand." he said, laughing along with her. "Hey, boys have it WAY easier than girls. So, I suggest that you be greatful." She replied stepping into the shower, naked. She started the water on and let down her hair. She shampooed, rinsed, shampooed again, rinsed and then put conditioner to wash out the extra shampoo. She then cleansed her body and stepped out of the shower. She wrapod her towel around her and stepped back into her bedroom where she found Justin putting on cologne. Selena walked over to her clothes, dried off and did her body butter routine. She then put in her clothes and shoes. She had the do her hair, of course, so she blow dried it, straightened it, and put it in a half up half down hairstyle(like Ariana Grande's hair). She then put on some makeup and went to Emily's room to find her all dressed and waiting on the bed for Selena to come and do her hair. Selena walked over and set her at her hair and nails night stand (its like those stands where people do makeup and hair before they perform in a play or something😕). She then blow dried Emily's hair and straightened it out. She curled it and out it in a messy but cute little bun with a kitty cat ear headband(like the ones the Ariana Grande wears). She turned her around to admire her work and smiled at Emily. "Now you look just like my little princess." Emily smiled and hugged her mom. "I wove you mommy." "I love you you, too, princess." Selena replied back, placing a kiss on her forehead. Justin was standing at the doorway, crying at the sight of them. Selena turned around and laughed. "Are you crying?""No. I'm a man. And men don't cry." He replied back, quickly wiping away his tears. "Yeah, okay." Selena said, sarcastically. He laughed and said "Alright guys. Its time to go. Y'all ready?" "Yeah but what about our luggage?" Selena replied. "The people that are driving us to the airport to go to our private jet our going to take care of those. Once we land, our luggage will already be there.""Oh okay. Emy, you got everything that you want to take on the plane?" She said, facing toward Emily. She nodded and picked her up. Justin grabbed Selena bag for her and grabbd his stuff as well. They both walked downstairs and out the door. Justin closed the door behind him and locked it. He also out an alarm in case anyone broke in while they were gone. They all got in the car, as the driver put all their luggage in the trunk. Once he was finally done, he got in the car, starts up the engine and started driving towards the airport where the private jet awaited them.
Hey y'all. What do you think is gonna happen. Stay tuned...

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