Chapter Eight

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Hey guys. I know that I haven't done much of Justin's P.O.V. so I wanted to make it up to y'all by doing this whole story off of Justin's Point Of View. Hope you like it....
(Justin's P.O.V.)
I was pretty excited that Selena and Emily were going on the tour with me that I couldn't stop talking about what were going to do on our spare time, concerts, hotels and most importantly, the FOOD. But, after, we all fell asleep on each other. But when we were their, the driver woke us up and led us out the car and towards the private jet. We didn't take our luggage because, as I said before, they would already be there for us when we landed. So, we all went u and looks around in awe. "Wow. This is an awesome jet. Let alone, we have it all to ourselves." Selena said dropping her bag on the furniture and walking around looking at stuff. "Yeah. I didn't even think Scooter would go all out like this." I said. Emily was already asleep on one of the bunks. I laughed and carried her into one of the bedrooms on the plane, bridal style. I walks back out to the main part of the jet and saw Selena laying on the couch, listening to my music on her phone(she was listening to stuff thats on the Purpose album and she has an iPhone 6S+). I cuddled up next to her and gave her a kiss on her forehead. She laughed and pulled my head down gently with her soft hand and kissed me slowly. I kissed back while holding onto her waist. Then we both pulled always at the same time and said "I love you." in unison. We both laughed and got back k to cuddling and soon fell asleep with a warm blanket around us both.

After 2 hours on the plane(they still haven't landed), we all woke up and ate a snack that was set up on the snack table. We ate sandwiches, apples and drank apple juice. But after we ate, Emily got a little sick and threw up in the toilet in the small bathroom with a built in shower. I ran to her and rubbed her back. "Its okay, baby. Let it out." I said, comforting her, as she kept throwing up. I guess she wasn't the type to go on planes. I USD to be the same when I first launched my career with Baby. But I got used to it. And half way through the tour, she'll get used to it too. When she was done I carried her into the main room of the plane and saw Selena pacing back and fourth till she saw me carry in Emily. She ran towards us and gave us both a huge hug. "Oh, princess, are you okay?" she said, worried. Emily nodded and fell asleep on my shoulder. I put her back into her room for a nap and went back to Selena and hugged her. "It's okay, baby girl. She is okay. She'll be fine. Emy just needs to get used to being on a plane. And trust me, she will." I said, trying my best to comfort her. "I know it just... that really scared-" "Babe, all she did was throw up. I would always throw up on my first time on a plane but now I'm all better and Emily will be too." I said, cutting her off. She nodded and sat back down on the couch. I hated her when she WS worried because whenever she is worried, I'm worried and I can't stand that feeling. My mission while I am still with Selena and Emily is that I want to make both of them happy and nothing, and I mean NOTHING, will stop me from doing so. Especially when they are the most important people that I love and care about. Aside from my fans, their my top priority. I love them both...
What will happen next? What will Justin do about Emily? Stay tuned...

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