Chapter Sixteen

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Hey peeps. I'm gonna start this chapter as if its the last day of the tour and that Justin is going to propose. Hope yoy like it!
(Justin's P.O.V.)
Today is the last day of the tour. The day that I ask Selena to marry me. I am so mervous that I can't even act right around her. Luckily, she thinks its only me being nervous about the concert. Im not nervous at all about them but seriously, I was nervous. My body shaking, hands(and forehead) sweating and I threw up twice. Scooter was thinking about scheduling the concert another night but I insisted. It was New Years Eve and my New Years resolution was that I would be married to Selena and would living a happy life with her.

I walked towards where I would be entering on the stage and waited for them to say my name. "Ladies, gentalmen! Boys and girl! Put your hands tigether for Justin Bieber!" the host yelled. The fans and crowd were pumped and I liked it. I ran onto stage and said "Hey Miami. How y'all oing tonighy?" They screamed, which meant they were doing wonderful. "Okay. Let's get this show started." I yelled. I sang Sorry, Where R Ü Now and What Do You Mean. After I said goodbye and the crowd screamed. I ran off stage and the whole crew came tumbling over to me, giving me giant hugs. But the main hugs that I wanted were from Selema and Emily. I managed to slip out of the crews hug without them looking and saw Selena and Emily standing there laughing. I chuckled and ran over to them giving them a huge hug. "You did amazing, baby." Selena said, pecking me on the lips. I kissed her back and pulled her and Emily to my car. "Where sre we going, Justin? We're going to miss the after party." Selena said, cathing her breathe. Emily was running with us. "I have a surprise for you and Emily." I said. The ring was in my front pants pocket. It made a bulge that looked like my... well, you get the idea. We all got in the car and buvkled our seat belts. I put the key in the ignition and started driving. Madison Square Garden wasn't far from where I performed. Scooter actually was thinking about performing there but he thought that if there had to be that many fans there, it would bust my ear drum. So we got there and I ran outside of the car to open both Selena and Emily's doors. We both ran inside and they both looked around in awe. "I know, I know. Its very big. Lets go." I saidb rushing. I was going to propose to Selena on the top of the whole dome of Madison Square Harden
Scooter knew I was going to be proposing to Selena but he just didn't know when. He helped me set up the Jumbo Trone, lights and pretty much everything. The only part he didn't help me with was the words and when I was going to propose to her.

As we walked up the steps, Selena kept asking where we were going. While we were down stairs in MSG, I gave Emily a huge stuffed bear as a present. A driver and her babysitter cane to pick her up and she already went home. Anyway, as for Selena, I kept telling her that it was a surprise. Once we were halfway up the stairs, I told Selena to close her eyes. She did so. I helped uo the rest of the stiars and we got onto the roof. "Open your eyes." I whispered in he ear. She ooened her eyes and was shocked that we were on top of the roof of the MSG. She looked at me and kissed me. I told her that I had to tell and ask her something. "Selena, we have been together for a long time now. You know that I love you and that I wouldn't trade you for anything. I love you and Emily with all my heart and you guys know that." I started. "Justin, where is this going?" she asked. I got down on one knee. By this time the Jumbo Trones were on and people all ober the world were either watching this on TV or on YouTube. "Selena Marie Gomez, will you marry me?" I said pulling out the ring and showing it to her. She was already crying and said "Yes! I'll marry you!" she said. I slipoed the ring on her finger and hugged her. Once I pulled away from the hug, she was giving me kisses all over my face. I kissed back smiling. "Were on TV." I said after we finished kissing. She mad an 😮 face and looked at the Jumbo Trone that w as s right above our heads. She looked at us and kissed me one last time. "Lets get out of here." I whispered in her ear. She nodded while biting her lip and started walking with me. The Jumbo Trones, lights and everything turned off. We went home, did you know what and went to bed. This was the start of a new generation.
Hey peeps. It's the end of my story. I hope you liked it. Thanks for reading it. It's all I could ever ask for. And for mire info on the rest of the lives of Justlena, read the next page of my book. Love y'all! 💖

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