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8 pm Friday


Jacob Whitesides-

Oh hey, I forgot you were in this chat lol

Jacob Whitesides-
haha it's alright, i haven't been on my phone all day cause i was with my gf Bea


Jacob Whitesides-
D-did i say something wrong? 😨

No! no! it's just... Ughhhhh. Everyone has a gf or bf and i'm just...alone 😞

Awe, you sad girl 😞 😟

Aww 😟😟


You can be mine?

No, she's mine.

Guys, shut your mouths! She's obviously mine *Smirks



Can you come over, please.

Already here 😊


something hit my window, at first i thought that was the wind but then... it happened,AGAIN and AGAIN. i slowly i got out of my bed and walked over to my window, separated the blue blinds, and lifted my window open.

When i looked out the window...

"Pst, Macie"

I heard my name


"Down here."

I looked down, athere he was... the one and only Shawn Mendes, to the rescue

"Hi" Iwhispered softly

"Hey beautiful, can you open the front door" he asked with a smile on his face.

"Okay, be right back" I said, slowly going back into my room, lifting my window down and locking it.


"Shawn?" I said, opening the door

"Hey Macie, may i come in?" he asked.

i opened to door wide and moved to the side.

Once he entered the room, I then shut the door and locked it.

"Macie," shawn said as tears were forming in my eyes, "What's wr-"

I cut him off by wrapping my arms around his torso. At first he was taken back by my sudden movement. But eventually, he wrapped his arms around my waist and held me tight. I rested my head against his chest, as his were in the crook of my neck.

this was what i needed the most, and he knew that.

He pulled away slightly, reaching up from the crook of my neck and giving me a soft&gentle kiss on the forehead. Then going back to resting his head in the crook of my neck, like before.

"Thank you" I said sniffling a little.

My head was rested against his chest, as my arms were resting around his torso.

"No problem beautiful, that's what i'm here for," Shawn said into my ear, calming me down.

He bent down and picked me up, my hands now wrapped around his neck and my legs around his torso.

He gently made his way up the stairs and into my room, gently laying me down on my bed, tucking me in and pulling my soft navy blue blanket over me. He then slipped in next to me and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer so that our faces are only centimeters apart.

He placed a delicate kiss on my cheeks, then my forehead.

~After a few minutes~

My tears stopped.

"Macie, i have a confession to make," he whispered softly. I looked up at him, waiting for him to continue.

"I want you to know that i like you... well, more like love you. I want you to know that i'm always here for you and it's okay if you don't feel the same but i just wanted you to know that i love you and wanted to thank you for being my best friend ever since we first met at Magcon when you switched seats with Matthew to sit next to me, before Jacob performed" he let out a cute chuckle.

I didn't respond, but what i did do... was kind of shocking but have always wanted to do ever since we met that day at Magcon, and eventually became Best Friends. I reached up to his lips and lay a soft and gentle kiss. Instead of turning it into a soft kiss, it became passionate. His lips were against mine and moved in sync. It showed so much meaning, and from that moment.

i knew he was the one


i hope you lovelies enjoy this book and thank you for reading. :) ❤️‍

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