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Blake's pov 

i was standing in line to get some food from the cafeteria, then all of a sudden

"Ugh, i think i forgot my wallet." i hear a guy in front of the cash register say, i turn to look up at the line and saw, who - i'm guessing is macie's boyfriend- is trying to look for money in his pockets.

i kept watching as he starts to look in all his pockets and eventually starts getting worried and panics.

"Do you need some help?" i asked. 

right when i walked towards him in line, He turns to look at me and relief washed over.

"Yes please, this is for my girlfriend and she's crying, so i got her the foods that make her happy" he said nervously, i then chuckle and reached into my wallet and took out a $100. I handed the cashier the money and he gave me change back, then the guy next to me grabs the food he got 

"Thank you so much, you're a life savior" he says smiling at me. 

"No problem, it was my pleasure." i say smiling.

"Who are you? you look kind of familiar" he says and held out a hand for me to shake.

"Blake, Macie's Bestfriend and neighbor since freshman year." i reply while shaking his hand.

"i'm Shawn, Macie's boyfriend for 2 months now." he says with his perfect white smile. 

"Well, it's nice to meet you Shawn." i said. 

 "You too Blake, btw your name is so cool, i wish i had your name" he chuckles.

"Ahah, thanks Shawn."

"No problem." 

"Hey, I think we should probably start heading back to the room now" i suggest

"That's probably a good idea." he says scratching the back of his neck and smiling.

we then walked out of the cafeteria and headed to Mr and Mrs. smith's room, where Macie is.

"So, do you by any chance work here?" he ask me 

"Yes, i'm a doctor here" i said, as he nod.


As we were heading back to the room

"Here, take this." i said as i reached into my lab jacket and held out a target's gift card. 

He then takes the card and smiles at me.

"Thank you, i know exactly what to do with this. Wait?! How did you know i might need this?" he questions.

"You're welcome. Well if i didn't know Macie any better, I know for a fact that she loves twix candy bar and so one day after school we would walk to target and buy twix every friday and instantly her eyes would like light up-" i paused

Oh Shit! Am i rambling!? Well, their goes my first impression of making a new friend with my Best Friend's Boyfriend! i'm such an idiot! quick! say something, so he won't think you're weird!

he chuckles 

"I mean uh *Chuckles*... Yeah?" 

god, why am i so weird! 

"Hahha that's good to know, thanks man." he smiles while chuckling a little

"N-no problem" I said stuttering 

"Dude, it's okay. Theirs no need to be nervous alright, I ramble all the time and question myself, out loud and it's very embarrassing" he says chuckling and giving me a reassure smile.

"Hahah really, same. I do that too when i'm nervous, or cause i'm very weird and awkward" i state  scratching the back of my neck, he chuckles.

"Shawn, can i ask you something?" i asked 

" Yeah, of course! anything." he says 

"Do you like macie?" i ask him, he then takes a deep breath

"No, i don't like her-" immediately my jaw dropped and eyes opened wide,"I love her" i sigh in relief

"She's special, and she has this unique thing about her that no one else has. I can't really describe it but what i can tell you is that... She's beautiful, gorgeous, and just oh so...breathtaking. She's an amazing best friend and girlfriend to me, and i'm so lucky to have her in my life. Because of  her, i now have a purpose in life." he tells me and i just couldn't help but smile so big, for my best friend that finally found love after all these years.

"That's so sweet shawn. i can tell that she loves you very much, as much as she loves her parents. i can guarantee you that if you treat her right, you have mine and her parents permission. but, if you don't treat her right- I will find you, and i will kill you-." i impersonate Liam neeson aka bryan millis's threat from taken 2.

"I promise. After all, i do love her, more than anything." he smiles 

As soon as we reached the room, i opened the door and frowned at the sight in front of us

"Macie-pooh, we will be fine." her dad soothes macie, rubbing his hand up and down her back as macie had her face buried in her father's chest.

Macie lifts her head up from her father's chest and sniffles. She then looks up at her father then turns to her mother. As i heard her soft sniffles, i  heard some sniffles right next to me. I turn to face shawn and saw that he was crying- red blood-shot eyes, tears forming at the corner of his eye lids, some falling down and hitting the floor.

 if a guy cries that means he loves her, he must really love her

After a few seconds of staring at shawn, i move my attention back to macie and her parents.

"I can't lose you both, not now, not ever. I Need You, I Need You." She sobs and Mr. and Mrs. Smith looks at her with sadness in their eyes.

"You won't lose us baby, not just yet" Her mother informs her.

*Knock *Knock 

"Come in" i say

"Hi, sorry to intrude but visiting hours are now over, i'm sorry" Nurse Meghan say peeking her head through the door

"Thank you nurse, they will be leaving shortly" I say as nurse meghan nods, before closing the door ever so lightly.

"Can we come again anytime soon?" macie ask, looking at me with hopeful eyes 

"Yes you can, come and visit anyday or i'll give you a call" i say as her eyes soon filled with hope

"Thank you blakeyyy" She says smiling slightly.

"I love you both, i'll be back soon. I promise" macie says to both of her parents.

"We love you too macie-pooh, come back soon okay?" her father said while coughing ever so lightly

"I will." and with that she then stood up and gave both her parents a kiss on the forehead, and headed out the door holding hands with her loving boyfriend, shawn. 


New thing i'm starting: 


Word count: 1067

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