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i was walking into target with mahogany, grabbing some essentials. Me and the whole crew are planning on going on a picnic this week as a family. i walk over to the fruit isle and looked over all the colorful fruit that were laying there on the shelf peacefully. 

"Raspberries or blueberries" i say turning to face mahogany


i grab the raspberries and blue berries tray and placed it, in the red basket.

"Should we make turkey and cheese sandwiches or bacon and ranch sandwiches?" Mahogany said 

"Uhhhhh... bacon & ranch." i say giggling 

"Okay." she says walking into the grains isle and finding a loaf of bread then heading to the frozen meat isle and grabbing the bacon.

"Hmm, i feel like we've missing something but i can't quite put my finger on it" i said thinking, then a light bulb popped up in my brain

"I got it, we're missing chips and sodas" i said with a smile

"Then let's go get em" Mahogany said walking towards the chips and drinks isle


As we now got finished grabbing everything we needed, we headed over to the check out area.

once we got in line, we were now next. Mahogany and i both grabbed items from our basket and put it onto the sliding conveyor belt. 

after we finished putting the items, the cashier begins to scan them. As soon as he finished scanning all the items 

"That would be $20.89, would you like paper or plastic"  said Alex, Looking from his name tag

"Plastic please." i say as mahogany gave him $21.

"Have a nice day ladies, thank you for shopping at target. hope to see you around sometime" he says smiling.

we then take our bags and giggled 

"Haha yeah, see ya" mahogany said as we headed for the exit.

As we were making our way towards mahogany's pink beetle, i pulled out the receipt and saw that their was a note written on it.

It reads:

Text me sometime :)

Alex ( xxx - xxx - xxxx ) 

i giggle to myself and put the receipt back into the bag, As soon as we got to the car, we both headed inside, buckled our seat belts and headed to my house.

*10 minutes later 

As we were driving down the street into my neighborhood, blasting Justin Bieber from my phone. The car began to stop, mahogany pushed the gas pedal but the car wouldn't move.

We both turn to look at each-other and eventually got out of the car. thank goodness we weren't on the streets but luckily we stopped at a random persons house.

Mahogany walked towards the front of the car and lifted up the bonnet, once she pulled it all the way up i saw all kinds of pipes and weird boxes that I've no idea what they are for. 

"Need help their ladies?" A familiar voice behind me ask

"Yes, indeed." i say turning around.

It was wesley, my guy bestfriend ever since we were in diapers. He ran his hand through his hair and smiled at me with his perfectly lined up white teeth.

"Macie?" he said shocked

"In the flash" i said giggling

"I haven't seen you since forever, how are you beautiful." he says as he opens his arms

"I'm great, how about you?" i say as i gave him a hug 

"Good. well, it looks like Someone gotten even more prettier than i remember"he says, as i blushed 

"And got a super cute boyfriend too" i say giggling

"Omg who?" 

"Who do you think?" 

"Well, by the looks of you i would say.... Shawn Mendes" he says

"How'd you know?" i said shocked

"I'm Physic" he says winking 

" Haha very funny" i say rolling my eyes playfully and smacking him on the chest playfully

"But seriously, how did you know?" 

"Um... isn't it obvious"


"You literally talk about him everyday since he first sang 'wanted' by hunter hayes when we were in middle school, remember." he says chuckling 

"Ahhh, the good old days. i remember like it was just yesterday" i say, laughing


I turn around and mahogany was pointing to both of us, back and forth.

"Oh yeah! Wesley, this is Mahogany, my best friend. Mahogany, this is Wesley, my best friend ever since i was in diapers." 

Wesley held his hand out for mahogany to shake, and she gladly accepts. She smiles at him.

"So, let me guess... your car wont start." 


"Well, Let me go take a look." he heads towards the front of the car and looks at the pipes and the mysterious boxes


"It looks like, you need a oil change." he chuckles.

"Ugh, is their a nearest auto repair shop?" i ask with a sigh.

"Yes, but... it's 15 minutes from here"

Mahogany sigh

"Luck for you two, i brought some fuel oil in case if this ever happens." he says, i sigh in relief 

"You've no idea how much you're a life savior right now." i say smiling

"We can hook your car to my truck and bring it over to my house to repair your oil, if that's okay with you." he asked

"Yes, of course." Mahogany and i share a look and smiled 

"Okay, well let's go shall we." he says closing the bonnet, grabbing a hook and rope from his truck and hooking it to mahogany's car. 

We all then headed towards his truck and sat in the car and started driving off.

10 minutes later we stop at a very familiar 2 story gray house.

"I texted my mom earlier that i was bringing guest, so she's 100% fine with it." Wesley says 


Word count: 902 


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