Chapter 91

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Just as Victoria snarled at me, she stopped eyes full of terror as she looked towards the outer edge of the forest. Following her gaze me and Bella both see nothing. Then a fierce feline snarls rips out across the field.

Wolves emerge from the hidden depths of the forest, there hackles raised ready to attack. I stand there shellshocked to the spot. I think though that right now Victoria is more frightened then any of us.

Bella grips my hand, and I squeeze hers, backing away slightly and pushing Bella away with me. Victoria seems to not know what to do, but stare at the pack in fright.

When they break out into a sprint, the ground vibrates from there strength. Victoria looks at me in a panic, snarling at me before running away. The wolves run right past is, following her as she runs in the direction of there land.

"I think that might be the last time we see Victoria." I say in relief, turning towards Bella.

"I hope so." She sighs, wrapping her arms around me and burying my head in my chest. "I was so worried, she could have killed you."

"I know." I mumble into her hair, breathing in her heavenly scent.

"We're you not worried?" She asks me shocked, pulling away.

My eyebrows narrowed, looking out across the field lit up by the sun.

"I've lived a long time Bella, death doesn't scare me. What scares me is if we're to be hurt." I declare, lifting my hand up to cup her cheek.

"How can you say that? Edward you could have died and you were worrying about me!"

"I've lived Bella, I've experienced life, you haven't. In fact you've barely began it." I point out.

"That doesn't mean anything Edward, once your dead that's it. Losing you forever would be just like death to me, but I would have to live with that pain every day. Suffering without you. We can't let Victoria near you, we just can't." She refuses, pulling at her hair in worry, eyes wide searching the empty field.

There should be a part of me that is scared for death, but there isn't. Years and years before meeting Bella I craved a option where I could just die. Of course everything changed when I met Bella, and I would hate to leave her, especially now. But if it had to be me or her, I would sacrifice myself I order to live a happy, long life even if it meant without me.

I knew that if I told Bella what I really thought, she would refuse everything I said and try to justify it. So, I kept quite on my opinion. Instead I pull her back into my embrace, tucking her head just bellow my chin.

"I will never leave you." I promise.


I quickly wrote this so its not very good in my head, but you will probably disagree.

Sorry I'm super tired... Goodnight.

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