Chapter 33

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My lips seemed to part as I took a sharp inhale just looking at her. The dress compliment her figure, making my imagination run wild. Her makeup kept her skin natural, making her pink hue still visible, and the dark eye makeup made her brown eyes seem lighter in comparison. Her skin was naturally a beautiful pale shade, setting the blue of her dress to look rich on her.

She looked worthy of the entire earth in my eyes.

"Oh, hunnie you look beautiful, dont you agree Edward?" Charlie questioned, looking at his daughter with a proud smile.

"Gorgeous,"I say, my mind still frozen I awe from looking at her.

As she starts to descend, my smile grows wider, watching her beauty in crease with each step. My eye stayed transfixed on her eyes, as she gazed into my own. A fresh pink creeping its way onto her face. Stunning.

"Dont be out too late Bella, I want you to bring her home by midnight, without a scratch on her body." Charlie warned me, and Bella looked mortified, turning to her father with eyes wide.

"Dad, I'm an adult-"

"Don't give me that, I know you're an adult, but you will always be my little girl. Just go and have fun hunnie." He told her, leaning down to give her a kiss on the top of her head.

I know this was both hard for Bella and her father. Through witnessing their behaviour, I know both are uncomfortable with expressing emotion. Especially Charlie.

"Thank you dad," Bella told him , quietly. She took a step towards me, and I grasped her hand, walking with her slowly, to the front door.

"Remember what I said Edward." Charlie called, from the door, as I helped Bella get into the seat without hurting herself further.

"I won't forget, Charlie." I told him, and he nodded, going to look at his daughter sat in my passenger seat. I felt like I was living out the teenage boy dream here. Everything was how I imagined it to be.

I was giddy as I slid into the driver seat my heart in my stomach, as I pulled out of the Swans driveway. I just had one more thing to complete. I continued to drive, both me and Bella sending glances towards each other. She really was a distraction. Without my personal sixth sense I needed to focus on the narrowing roads, hidden by the dark forks forest.

We pulled into the school parking lot, the gym in the distance, with a silly bannger and a ballon arch at the entrance. It completed all the cheesy cliche perfectly. Now, I was just about to add another one to add to the night.

I reached into my tux poxet, producing the corsage.

"A beautiful flower, for even more beautiful woman," I say, producing the corsage and presenting it to her. It was a large baby blue lily set off with some of the multiple coloured dandelions, like from the meadow.

"It's beautiful," Bella said quietly, her words catching slightly in her throat.

She reached for it, but I stopped her, wanting to attach it myself. I smiled, leaning over the console, to grab her wrist, I turned it over, seeing the the mark left by James. My thumb traced it, feeling the coldness of the crescent shape. Leaning down, I pressed a gentle kiss in the middle.

"Do you regret it?" Bella asked curiously, as I leaned back up. I attached the corsage to cover the mark, making her skin once again flawless.

"Regret what exactly?" I asked, feeling a sense of deja vu.

"Suckign the venom out, you could have let it spread. I would have been like you." She said, the sincerity in her words making me shake my head.

"No way, I would never regret my decision to save you. Not only did I save your soul Bella, but you gave me mine back aswell." I smiled, she raised her hand tracing my jaw, with a ghostly touch.

"You always had a soul to me," She caressed, leaning over to meet my lips. I allowed her, entrance straight away, feeling a bundle of excitement race through my veins. I had to pull away, otherwise we would just stay in the car and make out all night, I had other plans.

"Come on lets start this night,"I said cheerful, getting out the car, and jogging over to her side.

I helped her out, walking her over to a nearby bench near the entrance, so she could sit down. I needed to go and hand over the tickets, so we could enter.

"I'll be right back."I tell her leaning down to give her a small peck on the lips. I jogged to the ticket line, waiting to get back to bella as soon as.

When both our tickets were stamped, I turned back eager to get back to Bella's side. Only when I started approaching her my smile dropped. Stood next to her was the one and only, Jacob fucking Black.



Not the only Jacob scene at Prom xx

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