Wish 3

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I had a nice sleep, it wasn't interrupted and what do you know I didn't play games late. I had a very nice dream and it was peaceful. Until...

"Kyuhyun!!!! Come one wake up!!!" Sungmin yelled, using a megaphone. Agh, my God.


"WAKE UP!!!"

This is so annoying. I stood up and threw a pillow. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!"

"Come on! You should thank me for waking you up!"

"I didn't ask you to wake me up!"

"Alright then! Just let Ryeowook get here and see you sleeping...NAKED!"

"I'm not naked idiot!"

"I can make you naked once he gets here!"

"Argh! Fine! You...you're really gonna be dead!"

"Nye nye nye~~~"

"Shut up!"

Just when I thought my morning will be peaceful. My life has gotten worst, since this Genie came.


He walked with us, Ryeowook and me to the bus station. He was bothering me because he was using Ryeowook. Once he spanked Ryeowook and Ryeowook accused me but I said it wasn't me. Then he pulled Ryeowook's hair and Ryeowook accused me again, and I said it wasn't me. And also he kicked Ryeowook and Ryeowook fell, of course Ryeowook accused me but I said I'm sorry. Yeah, if I say it wasn't me again then Ryeowook will really be mad.


I don't want to.

You do that again and I'll flush you in the toilet!



Then the bus arrived. We went in, before Sungmin could've go in I closed the door myself, hmph, wise me. I walked to the seat, where Ryeowook was sitting and I saw him there, sitting and sticking out his tongue. Bleh!

Get out!


I'm supposed to sit there! Get out!


"Kyuhyun-shii? Why are you still standing?" Like I can sit there, you'll see me floating."I'll sit at the back..."


"I just feel like sitting at the back."

"Okay..." Then I went to theback and sat. The Genie kept on looking at me and teasing me.

I'm supposed to sit there. Damn this Genie. I won't be able to spend my bus time with Ryeowook and its all his fault. My life has really gotten worst, God could've sent me a better one, an Angel would be good but a Genie?? No, especially if its someone like him.



You're pissed right?

Ya think?


We finally reached school. Everyone is already busy, I think some of them were here so early. They are all preparing for the White Day Festival. White Day, last year I didn't even receive any. Maybe I'll end up celebrating Black Day instead of White Day. I'll eat Jjajangmyun instead.I wish someone will give me atleast white chocolate on White Day.

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