Wish 1

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I'm tired of this life. I can't even get what I want. What did I ever do? I studied so hard, well maybe not in all subject buy I'm like a genius in Math, I've worked so hard on my singing yet I can't beat the beautiful voices out there, I've practiced my clarinet since childhood but they just ignores it, why can't I be someone so important, like Bi maybe.

Even you. I can't have you. Why can't I have you? I've dreamt of you for so long, been there for you all the time, helped you anytime, but why can't you see me? 

"Kyuhyun-shii?" A voice woke me up from my sleep.

I took off the notebook on my face and opened my eyes, I looked at the person beside me, the person I've always dreamt of.

"Kyuhyun-shii, classes will start soon."

"Uhh yeah..." I replied.

"Kyuhyun-shii, I'll go ahead." He was about to leave.

I grab his hand. "Ryeowook." He looked back at me.

"Yeah? Do you want to come with me?" He asked, putting an innocent smile on his face.

I nodded. I let go of his hands, I picked up my things and walked beside him. 

This was the person I've dreamt of, innocent, cheerful, caring, kind and carefree Ryeowook. We've been friends since Junior High. I was new to this country and no one would talk to me when he approached me. I was cold at first, but I turned soft for him. I thought nothing would come in between us, that it'd only be the two of us but it wasn't.

"Ah, Wookie-shii, Kyuhyun-shii!" Yesung called us as we go down the stairs. Ryeowook ran to him, as expected.

"Hyung! Are you going to class now???" Ryeowook asked. 

Yesung is older than us, he is already in Senior High but he always finds time for us, well atleast, for Ryeowook. This was the person Ryeowook said he likes, that day, everything fell apart. Why can't it be me instead? They were childhood friends because their parents are friends, and I thought I lost. I lost to his heart already, Ryeowook already set his eyes for only one person, and so as Yesung. It hurts that I'm the only one I can think of to come in between them. 

Why me? Why not anybody else? I've been inlove with him since he approached me, but he's been inlove with Yesung since childhood. A love like that is something I can't surpass. Should have I come here a little earlier?

Both of them are having a nice chat as I stand behind. Yesung patted his head, Ryeowook's eyes was shining, I can do that but I can never make him feel that good. Yesung pinched his cheeks and Ryeowook giggled cutely, I can do that but he would just smile at me.

I cleared my throat, telling them that classes will start soon.

"Oh yeah...sorry." Ryeowook smiled at me.

"Its fine." I walked first.

"Bye Hyung!" Ryeowook waved as he follows me. I saw Yesung waved back. When Ryeowook turned to me, he was smiling brightly, inspired. 

I wish I could inspire him too, like this, just like this.


Classes has ended, finally. As always, I carry Ryeowook's bag, like what a lover would do I wish, I was. Ryeowook went to the band room again, as usual, to visit Yesung. He asked me if I wanted to come, of course I would, there's no way I'll leave you to him.

When we got there, that band already started practice. I think they're preparing for White Day Festival. White day huh, only 4 days from now. Ofcourse they will be noisy, but Ryeowook like the noise for he liked who's making the noise, but I hate it. I put my earphone to my ears and listened to some music while playing games. Everytime, I would glance to Ryeowook's direction where he is watching the band practice.

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