the world is so beautiful. I just don't know how to say it. i love the world. I don't understand how people can hate things. there is just so much to love and so little time, why waste it hating ? the world is so so beautiful and magical and so amazing. i try not to hate. I can't really name anything i do hate. i think even the people who have broken my heart, who will break my heart, who have done anything mean to me, I don't think i could ever hate them. because they taught me something and they made me stronger and i love them for that. i dont think i could even hate the time when i was in the worst part of my life. I don't think i could ever hate all the shit i went through. like when i was slowly dying and i was flooded with sadness and drowning in heartbreak I don't think I could ever hate that time in my life, because i loved it. I don't think I could ever hate anything really. i just love it all and i love everyone because I believe there is good in everything. even when things get hard as long as you give it time you will learn to love it. because time heals and, i dont mean time as in clocks i mean give it a few sunrises and a few sunsets. let it sit under the stars and let it float with the morning clouds. in time it will all work out and you will then soon learn to love and appreciate. i just have so much love and I don't know what to do with it all and, i know i can give my love to the ones who don't deserve it, but i think they do. i think everyone deserves to feel loved and to feel wanted even if it's from a stranger or a best friend. love is meant to be felt by everyone and everything. i want to help make people feel. i want to help make people feel feelings they have never felt and never dreamt of feeling. i want to inspire someone to go out and love with all the love they have ever saved in their heart. i want the world to be surrounded in an atmosphere made of love and hope and passion and inspiration. i just want everyone to see that the world is a beautiful thing and they are a beautiful thing and all together we are beautiful and you can create magic if you just open your heart and let the stars that you are made of suffocate you and shine through. everyone has a galaxy in them you just have to find it.
Writings, rants, questions, poems, really just my life in a book.
PoetryI'm an over emotional little dandelion. Very sensitive but also a tough little cookie. So like this is all my feelings in a little book. Some are about people. Some are about me. Some are about life. Just everything really. PLEASE LEAVE feedback ! F...