Did you ever really ?

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i have a question.... did you ever really want to be here ? with me ? i know people change it was just your time to change I suppose, but be honest, did you ever really care or was that all just something too fill the time and space up to now ? did you ever mean any of the "i love you"'s that you told me ? or were you just saying them back ? did you ever actually care ? because i sure as hell did. i still do. i care so fucking much. I don't care if you quit talking to me i will still care. I don't care if you get a new girl i will still wake up at 3am when you call. i know i may not always be in your hear, but you will always be in mine. I will always love you. even if you did ever only love me because you wanted something to hold onto. i will always love you. I may not always be in love with you, but you'll always be in my heart.

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