PROBLEM III : Green Headed Bitch

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PROBLEM III | Green Headed Bitch

Have I ever told you how much the head hair means to a girl?

When you wake up on a Monday morning, get dressed for school, hoping for this Monday to go at least bearable, do not forget to take a nice look at yourself in the mirror. Believe me, I say this from a recent experience.

Believe me because, what I suggested you to do is exactly what I actually did not do. Having woken up half an hour after the alarm had gone off, only fifteen minutes is not exactly the sufficient time to get dressed for school. I may be an exception, but I speak on behalf of all my kinds.

It feels pretty weird when you walk through the hallways of Lakeville High, and people start whispering stuff about you. Some gasp, some gaze wide eyed, some jaws drop and you have no idea why. I wouldn't be lying if I said it was hell annoying.

"What's there to look at bitches?!" said an irritated voice that I found to be mine. All the gazes had been averted from me, I had been overlooked. I would be happy, if I was overlooked by all.

Reyana Fomah, casually called Lakeville High's Queen Bee—proud, self centered, arrogant, cheer head, cavalier, egoistic, narcissistic, imperious but thankfully not a Bully.

Never have I ever been this straight forward about a person I had not really known, but I'll say Reyana Fomah's face was one nice colouring book, caked with nothing but make up. Looking at Reyana, my face usually and always held a nice cringing expression. Cocking my brow, my nose screwed, I looked at Reyana, "What?"

"Honey, look at yourself. You look hideous. Neon green is something you absolutely fail to pull off," she snickered. Neon green? What?

Reyana laughed, "Go, Take a look at your head, love."

And I did not need to be told twice. If only my voice hadn't been trapped with the amount of anger boiling inside of me, I swear, my voice would've rung throughout the radius of a mile from where I was stood, before the mirror in the girl's washroom of Lakeville High.

My once brunette waist length hair was cut short only reaching a bit above my waist and worst of it was Neon Green. I didn't have to think twice about the person who could've done something this vicious. Ryan Motherfucking Smith.

Only Ryan Smith knew how much adorement I had for my brunette beauty. Tears had almost rained down my eyes, looking at my now badly cut short neon green head. That was until, my tears became a medium to boil my anger for the certain blue eyed boy. Stalking out of the bathroom, I maintained my palms into clenched fists while my eyes started seeing red. Stepping inside my second hour of the day—Math, my eyes fell upon the blue eyed boy surrounded by another bunch of jocks. Little did he know that his cheeks now red from laughter would later be red with embarrassment.

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