Cheer captain and the nerd

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Part 1 - Rae

An hour now of Mrs jones shouting 'Rae your leg needs to be higher' 'Rae contain your balance' 'Rae your going to loose us the championships' it was beyond exhausting now, just because I was cheer captain all the faults were down to me no one else, I always did wrong.

'Okay that's it for training today, you're free to go to lunch, we have a meeting after school so training isn't on but normal time tomorrow' her words were music to my ears, today's training was awful so I couldn't be happier that it. I picked up my duffle bag and headed to the changing rooms, I quickly had my shower and threw back on my summer dress which I was wearing earlier. I quickly checked my phone seeing if I had any messages which I did, one from my boyfriend James an another from Lakersfan18

I guess you're guessing who he is, well my school created a chat room like thing where people who are going to go to the same college can talk, most people got assigned someone and well it's their choice if they want to talk to them and if they tell them who they are, neither I or him know who each other are, I'm hoping to find out who he is one day but right now I'm okay with not knowing, he treats me differently to everyone else he doesn't know I'm head cheerleader so he doesn't bum lick me like most people from our school.

I read the text from him first

'Feels like I haven't spoke to you in ages, do you hate school grouping as much as me? X'

I smiled at the text, realising he hated the dynamics of school just as much as me, everybody has their own clicks, and because of my label of being a cheerleader I have to sit with a bunch of people who think they are better than everyone else I hate it, even my boyfriend is the same, he is the football captain so we got paired together, I did like him a lot and it's fair to say he is one of the best looking guys in our year but now I know him and I don't really want to know him. He picks on the nerdy people or what he calls the 'weirdos'.

I replied to his text 'we spoke this morning, if you hate it a lot then yes, no one can be themselves because of the clicks even if that's not where you belong x'

I didn't belong in the cheer leading group yes I was slightly happy I was in it as we get it a lot easier than other groups, we don't get picked on because we're friends with the people who do the picking, I looked at my text from James as well

'Meet me in the cafe babe' I decided to ignore the text because I was on my way there anyway, outside the sports hall was my bestfriend Tilly, she was also on the cheer leading squad but was a lot like me so we instantly bonded, she also thought the same as me when it came to our group how most of the balls were just a bunch of low life idiots.

'Mrs Jones was such a bitch today!' Tilly said fairly annoyed

'Yeah tell me about it, I swear she's going to kill me if I don't get that lift right' I reply as we make our way through the school building to the canteen

'I think she might, you get thrown around in the air so much how can she expect you to get every single twist and twirl right'

'My exact thoughts but if we want to win the championships I need to be on point so that's what I will do' I shrug my shoulders as we walk into the canteen. Immediately as I walk in the groups are evident, the cheer leaders and football team are together, the drama group, the nerds, the skaters and so many more, but you also have the people who sit on their own.

'Rae, Tilly girls come here' Vanessa shouted, I heard Tilly groan which made me laugh, neither of us likes Vanessa but as she's a cheer leader she's with our group and acts like we're best friends, we make our way to the table where all the girls greet us with smiles however most of them fake smiles, the boys do the same however all greet us nicely considering we get along with most of them except the absolute idiots.

'Hey baby' I could feel James's presence next to me as I hadn't said Hello yet

'Hi' I replied giving him a smile as on me of his arms went around my waist pulling me into his side, he bent down pecking my lips as I kissed him back earning a few whistles off the boys.

'I'm going to grab some lunch, I'll see you in a few' I smiled to James as he nodded releasing his hold on me as I walked to grab a sandwich.

As I picked up my sandwich I checked my phone again seeing I had a text from my mystery friend

'Thats still a long time, no one can be there, people only care about the group your in not who your actual friends are no one gives anyone a chance x'

It's true nobody give anybody a chance, most of our 'click' won't talk to any other people, if they aren't the slightest bit popular then there's no chance, that's why I feel sorry for the people who sit by themselves they have no one around to stick up for them, they do nothing wrong but get the most abuse.

'I know, but not all of the groups are like that maybe majority are but there's a few people who do care and will stick up for others who aren't in there group x'

I replied quickly and sat down at the table, James came next to me putting his hand on my thigh, I leant into him slightly by instinct even if I didn't like him as much as I used to he was still my boyfriend so I do as I should.

'Oh look James it's Niall, why don't you go see it he brought you you're lunch like you told him to last lesson' mark called to James as Niall walked to a table sitting by himself with his sandwich and strawberry milkshake. I never understood why the boys picked on him he never did anything wrong to them ever.

'Good idea Mark, I'm hungry so lets go get some food' James got up kissing my cheek as he walked to the table two away from us with me still hearing their conversation.

'Oi Nerd did you get me my lunch?' James shouted as Niall looked up with a worried expression like he had been caught

'Er n-n-no' he stuttered looking to the floor quickly

'And why not? I told you too' all the boys laughed behind James, if I was Niall I would been extremely intimidated right now, it was horrible how they all ganged up on him.

'I didn't have any money to buy it' he quickly said you could hear how scared he was

'Well you brought you're own lunch didn't you so you had money I guess I'll have yours then' he laughed an picked up Niall's lunch

'I dont like Strawberry milkshake you can have that back' James said as he threw the milkshake back at Niall causing it to almost spill over him which tipped me over the edge, I stood up going over to James

'James leave it out, he said he had no money just give him his lunch back' I tried to take Niall's lunch from James hand but he pulled his hand up so I couldn't reach it

'Er no' he laughed looking at me like I was joking

'Give it back to him now or were finished, I'm sick and tired of you thinking you can treat people like that! You have five seconds to give it back to him or we are done. One' James was taken back by me words but I saw the look in his eyes by the time I was at three he would give it back

'Two' he lowered the lunch looking at me knowing I was completely serious now

'Three' and he put the lunch on the table sending me a glare turning around and walking back to our table, his friends stood there a little unsure of what to do but soon they turned around going back to our table

'Erm I'm sorry about that, here's a pound to go get another milkshake or whatever' I apologised to Niall who looked up for the first time since his lunch left him

'Its fine, keep your money, it's not like it was you who spilt it' he gave me a small smile not knowing why I was talking to him let alone helping him

'No I insist, it was my boyfriends fault, if he does it again don't hesitate to tell me please'

'Okay, well thank you for helping me, it means a lot' I gave him a smile and walked back to our table happy with myself that I had stood up for him, I guess what my 'friend' had said stuck in my mind a lot.

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