Part 5 - Rae
He just ran and I still don't know who he is, that was the one thing I wanted no needed to know tonight, I watched as he turned the corner, my body completely frozen, I needed to find him.
My legs and brain clicked allowing my self to run to catch up with him even though I don't know if it was possible right now, maybe this all wasnt meant to be maybe I'm just meant to be with a guy from my click but I just didn't want to be, I wanted him. My legs carried me into the hall of where the ball was as I noticed Tilly
"Tilly have you seen the guy I was with" I Shouted over the music but with urgency so she knew how important it was. I needed to find him.
"No but you should see the boy I just kissed hottie" she chuckled as I nodded before turning my head around the wall trying to spot him
"Ladies and gentlemen it's almost midnight which means its time to announce our king and queen for the night" the head teacher spoke, I didn't really care I just needed to find him right now.
"And the winners are our Cinderella Rae Clarke and her Prince Charming " the spoke again as I felt everyone push me to go on stage
"Rae that's you well done" I heard from people just hoping that maybe he would come back on stage but I highly doubted he would. Standing on the stage I searched for his outfit but I couldn't find anyone till the spot light was following him, without realising my feet carried me off the stage chasing after him. I couldn't let this opportunity slip. I ran up the stairs tripping slightly even though everyone's eyes were on me I couldn't care I just needed to find him.
As I got to the top of the stairs I kicked something which was in my way, my eyes travelled to the floor seeing a black iPhone 4, earlier he pulled one out, it must be his, my fingers wrapped around the phone as I carried on running again feeling the cold air hit me as I made my way through the doors but I was too late there was no one or nothing in sight, my one chance had gone to find out who he was.
You know that feeling when something bad happens and your stomach drops? Well right know that's what I felt, I was so close yet so far away, the only hope that I had was I had his phone and he will need it back which might allow me to see him in person one more time and would reveal who he was. The night was perfect but now I'm left fighting back the tears that are usually non exsistant to me. I don't cry unless I have to and right now I'm close to tears over a guy I don't even know the name of? Get over it Rae!
"Rae are you alright?" I felt an arm go around my shoulders as a masculine voice break me out of my thoughts, I diverted my attention to my best friend Liam that was standing next to me
"Yeah I'm fine Li" I gave him a fake smile and I watched his eye brows furrow together
"You're lying, what's wrong babe?" He asked this time stepping in front of me holding both of my shoulders
"It's just boy trouble Li" I replied diverting my eyes to the floor
"Don't worry about it Rae, he's scooped so low he's only kissing her to make you jealous" Liam whispered pulling me into a hug, what an earth was he on about, he finally realised his hold on me as I looked up
"What an earth are you on about? Who's kissing who?"
"James he hocked up with Crystal?" Liam replied like it was the most obvious thing in the world, I knew I should be upset now by this, James and I were together for 8 months and now he's already kissing and god knows what else with other girls, a small part of me was angry more at him than crystal considering she would get her claws in the minute he was single.
"Oh right, that wasn't my boy troubles but that's for telling me about that" I gave him a small smile as I watched his face fill with guilt.
"Rae I'm so sor-"

Geek Charming (Niall Horan fanfiction)
FanficRae Clarke, she's the popular girl, the cheer captain with the perfect life. Niall Horan the nerd, the smartest guy of the school. What happens when she school have put up a chat room for all college students and they get each other. With their diff...