Part 2 - Niall
I watched her walk away, all her friends were staring at her thinking the same thing that I was thinking 'why would she help me?' No one ever did, she never had before so why was today so different, for the first time ever I still had my lunch after someone tried to take it. I wasn't the type of person for conflict or for standing up for myself, if I let them take my lunch then they won't physically hurt me, it might hurt me hearing the names they call me everyday and the things they say but as long as they don't hit me I'm avoiding the worse part.
My eyes were still fixed on Rae I could see her talking to James who was clearing embarrassed that his girlfriend just told him what to do, in fact if I was him I would have been especially in front off all his friends. Rae looked this way as I moved my stare onto the table where her pound was placed, maybe I should just get another drink and then eat my lunch later, I guess I'm not that hungry any more anyway, I put my sandwich in my bag and headed back to get another milkshake.
I reached maths before the bell went and before anyone was in so I took my seat checking my phone, usually my bestfriend Kate was with me but she didn't come in today so I was on my own, most people think Kate and I are more than friends but were not shed been my bestfriend since I was 4, she's like my sister.
*1 new message from cheerlove14*
A smile appeared on my face seeing she had texted me, a part of me wishes I could know who she was but I'm afraid to incase she treats me like everyone else does when she finds out who i am, we talk every day but a part of me wonders what she's like in person or if he's just like me.
'I know, but not all of the groups are like that maybe majority are but there's a few people who do care and will stick up for others who aren't in there group x'
I read her text with a smile, she was write not everyone in all the groups had the predictable personalities but most of them did and that's why I hated school clicks, I could never be friends with a footballer because I'm a 'nerd', our statues are completely different and that's why I like the fact she doesn't know who I am, for all I know she could be a cheerleader which I highly doubt she's too nice for that, she could be in the arts department which seems believable because of her views against things. I will just never know until she decides to tell me or I tell her I'm Niall Horan which won't happen for a long time.
'Yeah some may be different but most are the same they all just follow a crowd, but a few can be surprising x' I quickly replied putting my phone away as the bell rang.
Maths goes fairly quick and now it's time to go home which means I get to talk to her again tonight, we stay up till hours in the morning talking she just gets me, we even sometimes help each other with homework which never seems to be the same as I guess we do none of the same classes which shows how different we are.
I walk into my house seeing my mother in the kitchen cooking, I walk over giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.
'Hello Darling how was school?' She asked with a smile kissing my cheek back
'A bit rubbish Kate wasn't in so I was on my own' I replied putting my bag on the table
'Well that's not good, dinner will be ready in about an hour so why don't you go to your room and make sure all your homework is done then after dinner we could all watch a film together' my mum gave me a smile full of hope, I usually didn't spend a lot of time with my family I'd shut myself away in my room but I felt horrible saying no to her, all she wanted was a family who got a long and with me and my dad that never ever happened.
'That would be nice mum, Just shout when it's ready' her smile brightened which made me smile, I turned away heading for my bedroom to do my homework but talk to the girl I enjoy talking to every day.
I logged onto my computer going on the chat we had set up which showed she was online, I didn't want to make the first move because I had this morning when texting her so I decided to start my English homework whilst waiting for her to message me.
Within 5 minutes my computer bleeped meaning I had a message
Cheerlove14: afternoon lakes x
Lakes was my nickname from her, ever since she knew I was a lakers fan she chose that because I guess as she didn't know my name she couldn't give me a real nickname.
Lakersfan18: afternoon babe x
Cheerlove14: so have you heard about the school dance on Friday, its a dress up dance, I know it's not your sort of place but well I was wondering if you would maybe consider going...with me? X
Hmm a school dance not once since I've been at our school have I ever been to one, it wasn't my scene, the nerd at a dance, it just wouldn't happen but she said it was fancy dress, maybe I could wear a disguise so people don't realise it's me but then she won't know who I am, maybe that would also be for the better and depending on how good her costume is I can find out who she is.
Lakersfan18: I guess I could go, I mean if I have a reason for it I wouldn't hesitate and well I guess I have a reason to go :) x
Cheerlove14: really? You'll actually come! Thank you so much! I'm excited to go now x
Reading her message immediately brought a smile upon my face, no one had ever made me feel so wanted and needed before, she knew how to make me happy an now I was excited for the dance, tomorrow I'll tell Kate I'm going, she's been trying to persuade me to come for two weeks now, she would be able to help me with my costume and everything knowing I need to impress.
'Niall dinner's ready' I heard my mum shout for downstairs, a small sigh left my lips knowing I had to see my dad.
Lakersfan18: I'll come just for you, I'm excited to see you. I have dinner now, I'll talk to you after? X
I switched my computer on standby and headed downstairs to see my mum taking to plates into the dining room where our family table is. I sat opposite my mum with my dad at the head of the table.
'What took you so long to get down Niall?' My dad asked by the tone he used I could tell tonight would not end how my mother had hoped
'I was studying' I replied not bothering to look at him knowing that would make me despise him more than I already do
'Oh you would be wouldn't you, not like you have any friends or girls coming after you like most teenage boys' he replied his tone full of venom
'Kate's my friend and a girl' I replied knowing he was right about the girls chasing after me
'One friend wow breaking the bank there aren't you son' a vile chuckle left his mouth as I heard my mum sigh, she couldn't stop him she never could
'Thats more than I need, at least when I'm older an have my own family I won't be treating my children like you do, I'll be a better father than you have ever been!' My voice raised slightly as I saw my dads face flash with a hurt expression but soon replaced with him anger and disappointment.
'Yeah I'll believe that when you manage to find a girl who will love you like that' I had finally had enough of him I pushed my plate forward getting up from my seat, flashing my mum an apologetic smile as she let another sigh release from her lips
'I will don't you worry about that' I replied as I walked out the room, why do I even expect people to care from me I mean not even my own father does.
'One night, that's all I ask for, one night of no arguments so we can act like a family but you cannot do that can you' I heard my mum shout at my dad before I shut the door to my bedroom and laid on my bed. I know I told her I'd talk to her later but right now I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone.

Geek Charming (Niall Horan fanfiction)
FanfictionRae Clarke, she's the popular girl, the cheer captain with the perfect life. Niall Horan the nerd, the smartest guy of the school. What happens when she school have put up a chat room for all college students and they get each other. With their diff...