21 questions

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Part 4 - Niall

If it wasn't for Kate I wouldn't have came to this dance but now I'm hear and I have found out I've been talking to Rae Clarke for the past 3 months, every word she said seemed like a lie right now, she was cheer captain! Her life was perfect why did she need me to come and be here? If she knew who I really was then she would ignore me completely. My tie around my neck felt slightly too tight so I pulled at it loosening it as much as I could, this doesn't happen to people like me. We don't come to the dance with the most popular girl at school.

"How about we play 21 questions to get to know each other?" Her voice broke my trail of thinking as I nodded, there was a big tree in front of us so I pointed to it hinting for us to sit there which she agreed to, I sat with my back against the trunk whilst she sat in front of me.

"So who starts?" I asked her whilst fiddling with my fingers

"I will, are you in the same year as me?"

'Yes I am, do you have any siblings?'

'I have an older brother and my mums pregnant at the moment, what's your favourite sport?'

'Congrats to her and golf or football, what do you want to be when your older?'

'A teacher or a cheer coach, what's your favourite subject at school?' Her answer some how shocked me but she seemed so dead set on it that that it confused me more the teacher part

'Why do you want to be a teacher?' I ignored her other question as curiosity over came me

'"Well I like the thought of helping people and what's better than helping children understand things they've never ever heard about before' I nodded at her answer still slightly shocked, I'd expect her to want to be a model or something that needs no intelligence at all but maybe I was wrong maybe I judged her far to quickly after knowing who she was.

"I didn't expect that, that's a good reason to want to be a teacher" I smiled at her which she returned

"I'm full of surprise, so what is your favourite subject?"

"Maths, what happened between you and James" the words left my mouth before I even thought about them not knowing if I should take them back or not

"I dumped him today, he's a horrible person and I didn't want to be dragged into what he does to people" she gave me a slight smile not seeming at all sad about their break up, she was right thought he was an ass I hated well hate him with a passion.


An hour had passed and we were still asking each other, they consisted of our favourite child hood memories, favourite holiday destination and mainly just learning stuff about each other which was really nice surprisingly, she didn't seem like she should be a cheer leader, her personality was so different to most of the other populars at our school.

'Dance with me please?' Her question startled me as I looked at her as if she was mad but she let out a chuckle standing up and holding out a hand for me just waiting for my answer.

"There's no music?" As I said the words a little set of people started strumming on their guitars and playing their instruments, it all seemed too good to be true

"Now there is" I smiled to myself as I took her hand pulling myself up, we made our way over to a wooden thing that had fairy lights around it (I don't know what it's called, it's the thing Bella and Edward dance in at there school dance). The music was still playing as one of the men started to sing. My hands went to Rae's waist as her arms were placed on my shoulders, we both started to sway just looking at each other.

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