Boys and lies

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Part 15 - Rae

Niall had dropped me off home at about 5 so he had time to get ready for when he's family was coming over, I managed to get out of it by telling his mother that my dad wanted to take me to the movies for some father and daughter bonding time, surprisingly she completely understood pulling me into a hug which was almost strange, if I didn't know how loving and caring she was I would have been creeped out by the gesture. His dad came up to his room whilst I was there, I was laying on the bed as Niall tickled me trying to get his bracelet back that I had grown fond of in the 24 hours I was there, he was on top of me until his dad rudely barged in telling him what time his family would be round. When I left I got a quiet bye from him which I'm sure Maura had told him to do. Climbing out of the car Niall walked me to me door before holding my hand and putting something around my wrist.
"Tada" he smiled I noticed the bracelet we thought over was secured around my wrist
"Thank you" I wrapped my arms around him as he told me not to lose it before giving me a kiss and heading home. I decided not to switch my phone on through the whole morning knowing Louis and a few of the other boys would have texted me. Last night all I got was text after text from him, James and Liam. I ignored them all which resulted in me getting more and more, I'm just glad Niall didn't see any of them. When I did turn my phone on around 30 new texts came in a few from my mum asking if I would be home for dinner, I texted her last night tell her I was staying at a friends and she was fine with it, her text was only sent an hour ago but now I was home she didn't care. I had four from Chelsea which I decided to just tell her to come over tonight which she agreed to. Louis had texted me 15 times and called me three.
'Where did you go? x'
'Thanks for wishing me well done x'
'Theres a party tonight are you going to be there? x'
'Why did you leave?x'
'Is everything okay? X'
'Rae why are you ignoring me?'

The rest were a lot similar to that I didn't want to tell him where I actually went so I just replied saying
'sorry I got a text from my brother about the baby I had to leave straight away, it was just a scare everything's fine now x'
When he replied he believed it asking me if everything was okay now and I said yes.
At seven the door bell rang as I ran down to answer it, Tilly waltzed in shouting hi to my family before walking up stairs, she was here far to often it was like her second home so much so that my brother even shouted back to her "why don't you spend time with your actual family?" and of course she gave him the middle finger.
"So tell me everything" she sat on my bed getting herself ready for me to tell her all about last night
"It was so good, when I went to the car park I thought he was going to ignore me but then I did what you said and kissed him, it was perfect. We went back to his and made dinner together for his parents, he's mum is adorable, she absolutely loves him like when she saw him do little things for me like pull out my chair when we sat down to eat and this morning he came down and kissed me on my forehead she had the biggest smile, he's dads a bit of an arse but I think I'll get along with him soon enough. He's just such a nice guy Tilly. He told me how much he liked me and I really like him"
"Aw! Can I get my personal Niall please? I want someone to pull out my chair"
"I know, he even let me wear his clothes and gave me his bracelet because I loved it" I smiled looking down at the new piece of jewellery, it was far from expensive but I loved it, his jumper still smelt like him also.
"You're already at that stage after a day"
"I know he would just make the cutest boyfriend though"
"Did you get a little dirty?" she gave me a wink as I felt my cheeks heat up "oh my god you did! what did you do!" she almost screamed
"I just gave him a hand job nothing major"
"But that's Niall! That's major to him! is he big?" how did I know she would ask this
"From what I saw and felt yeah he is quite"
"Compare it"
"Bigger than James but smaller than Liam"
"Woah but let's be honest no one is going to be bigger than Li" I shook my head laughing ever since Tilly and Liam got intimate she was always too proud of it, I'm sure she liked him but whenever I asked she denied the feelings but as Liam having no shame in hiding what he's got most of us girls had seen it. "On a serious note now, you really like this boy yeah?" I nodded in reply allowing her to reply "what about James and Louis? And don't say you're just friends, with James I know you can leave that behind but with Louis? are you going to tell him?"
"How do I tills? I don't know how good Lou with take it? I was hoping if I just didn't talk to him for a bit he'd think okay she's not interested, I just don't want to watch him get hurt especially by me. What sort of friend would I be if I did that?" I felt my phone vibrate next to me on the bed but I ignored it, it was most probably Louis and I really didn't know what to do about him right now.
"You'd be worse of a friend if you lead him on Rae, Louis's pretty understanding, if you told him about Niall then he would understand it"
"But Tilly he's already thrown a fit about Niall after Vanessa did the pep rally, he couldn't understand how I even spoke to him, if I turn around and tell him I like him I'll lose him as a friend and that's one thing I really don't want"
"Why don't you just try and set him up with someone else, if he's happy with someone else then you can be happy" I liked the sound of that idea, I just had to find the perfect girl but I had no idea who that would be.
The rest of night we ordered pizza and watched some chic flicks, Tilly also mentioned how she had started talking to someone new. Niall texted me a few times about his family meal saying it was a good job I didn't go because Vanessa was there but thankfully he's parents didn't say anything about me being there the night and well morning before. At around 11 Tilly left and I decided to call it a night.
Sunday was the usual lazy day, I did the homework I had which wasn't all that much, Riley decided to join me in my room complaining how mum wouldn't stop cleaning and he was getting annoyed, we decided to sit through a few of the twilight films because he secretly loved them even if he didn't admit it, mum made us a roast dinner which we all ate together along with dad trying to crack some jokes but they were terrible, each new one he tried mum would tease him, we were all so close that it made me happy, there were no problems we had in our small unit, we had one another.
This morning my alarm woke me bright and early, the next school day once the jocks had won a game was always the best days, we'd have a big assembly about it especially as this was one of their biggest games this year, lunch also got extended because of the assembly but not everyone had to go to it. Mum offered me a lift which I happily took up, when I arrived at school all my 'friends' were in their usual spot, most of the cheer leaders wearing a jocks jacket which was tradition after they won, as I walked closer to where Tilly was I saw her jacket said 'Payne' which meant Liam had given her his.
"Rae" one of the girls shouted sending me a wave and a smile, she was new to the squad and I wasn't too sure on her name but she seemed like a lovely girl, Louis heard her as he turned around looking at me with his jacket still in his hand. I carried on walking to Tilly as Louis came closer to me.
"Morning darling" he smiled pulling me into a hug, I hugged him back feeling him hook something on my shoulders
"Morning Lou" I said against his chest and pulled away
"You've got my jacket" he sent me a little wink as I shook my head with a laugh, if the boys gave you their jackets you couldn't give it back or decline the offer, I slipped my arms into the holes making Louis hold my bag. I was always so used to wearing James' jacket where it was too over sized I had to roll up the sleeves but Louis was smaller than him so it fit a lot better.
"Suits you" he smiled putting an arm around my shoulder and walking over to where Tilly, Liam and a few others were. I noticed the look that Tilly gave me as we walked over along the lines of 'what are you doing'. In answer to that I had no clue, I couldn't just pass him off when he just won the game and unless you have a boyfriend then you can. As we stood there I noticed the flirting between Tilly and Liam, every so often he would tap her shoulder making her looking around, she would hit him and he would pull her into a hug. And she says she doesn't like him. Finally the bell rang which meant I didn't have to be around Louis right now.
The assembly happened on the field an hour before lunch, we all get registered then came out if we wanted to if not we could stay in our lessons. It passed pretty quick the boys getting a lot of praise from the head and also their coach. James did a speech on behalf of all the boys saying thank you to the coach and even get him tickets to a football game.
We finally all sat at the table for lunch, Louis's arm rested around my back as we spoke to other member of our group, I tried to get him not to touch me but everytime I told him he thought I was joking. I hadn't seen Niall all day which I didn't know if that was a good or bad thing, with Louis acting how he was it was good I should say but I had maths next, he was in my class so I guess I would see him then, I didn't know how I should act if I should go and say hi or just smile at him, I didn't want people at school to know because frankly it wasn't any of their business in who I dated. With James everyone knew we rarely had a private moment, I never liked that, with Niall he isn't popular he doesn't want people knowing his life.
The bell rang for 5th period, we all got our bags and heading for our lesson, Tilly and I walked ahead of the boys and ended up being the first people in the class, All the boys followed in after taking their seats along with the other cheer leaders. More people came in and I noticed Niall, he look towards the back at our row, I gave him a small smile, he returned the gesture and took his seat. The whole lesson I made sure I had my head down doing work, For once Louis didn't flirt with me because when he tried talking I just pointed to my work saying I didn't understand this bit. Niall kept sneaking a few glances here and there which I noticed almost blushing at.

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