Alpha Two

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I scanned the woods, jumping at every sudden sounds, my tail mostly causing the noises. After chasing my tail for at least three more minutes, I decided to just sit down and wait for Nick to come and get me.

My name is Iris Spring. I'm 17 years old (Ya! Almost legal to drink in France!) and I'm a werewolf, in case you haven't guessed that yet.

A shadow was silently jumping from tree to tree, and I couldn't help but wiggle my haunches, like a kitty getting ready to spring on a flamingo. My teeth were bared, and I sprang up into the air, letting the rest of the pack know that I had found something. I sprang from branch to branch, trying to follow the mystery stranger. We went on like this for a long period of the night, with the rest of the pack following us from the ground.

Finally, the intruder slipped on a branch, giving me enough time to grasp his foot. I jumped down from the tree, with the stranger in my jaws and the rest of the pack howled, happy for the catch.

The stranger was a type of hybrid. He had cat-like features including the whiskers and big ears, but was also like a chimera, strong and had a snake-like tail. We'd been catching a lot of these strange types of creatures lately. It was just good that they tasted delicious.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

"Hey, Iris," Nick called from behind me. I whipped around and saw him jogging over to me.

I ducked down and jumped over to him like the awesome froggie I was. "What do you need?" I asked Nick.

Nick smiled, "Iris I was wondering--" Suddenly he froze.

"Get behind me," He whispered urgently. His eyes were locked on a swift movement in the bushes in front of my house. I slipped behind him, and slowly peeked over his shoulder.

Something with keen tangerine eyes was staring at us from the bush. It looked like it was hunched over and really hairy. It slowly crept toward us, and in total trepidation, I clutched onto Nick's arm. The creature moved cautiously in our direction again after a moment of hesitation. It came out into the sunlight, and I tried to scream, but all that came out of my mouth was a sharp yelp.

The creature was large and had sharp fangs. It's back was not hunched nor broken, but was twisted and bones jarred out in all directions. Instead of feet, there were just three toes that were chubby and rotten, his hands were the same. He wobbled, and limped around and I gasped when I saw he had no knees or elbows to support him.

The thing that scared me most though, was it's face. It looked almost human, despite the flesh-eating worms that hung and wriggled on his forehead, like bangs. His nose looked dented and shoved into his deformed face, and his ears were an atypical size and shape. His mouth was a revolting shade of green and looked rabid, with white foam puffed out at the edges. His eyes though, were the colour of a sunset.

"What do you want?" Nick demanded.

The beast let out a congested rumble, "Help," it collapsed to the ground, shaking the earth beneath it.

I rushed over to it, and let the horrid stench overwhelm me.

"It isn't a hybrid," Nick observed, looking the gruesome brute over once more.

"Can I call the rest of the pack for inspection?" I implored, desperate for more protection.

Nick nodded.

There are eight of us in all, Nick, Eric, Sabrina, Brent, Tyren, Jordan, Eli, and me. Six boys and two girls... fun. So, I called Eric and Jordan, Eric called Sabrina and Tyren, and Jordan called Eli and Brent. Soon, everyone was my house, looking over the messed up mutant.

"What do you think it is?" Jordan asked Nick.

"Not a hybrid, but something definitely messed him up." He conjectured.

"Maybe we should get him inside, so we can see him better," Sabrina piped up. The rest of the pack agreed, and wer made our way into the house. I spread out a few layers of towels on my desk and we set him down on the table.

"Ew," Eli moaned, wiping his hands on his pants.

Green slime covered the boys' hands and in started to slowly bubble. "Wash your hands in the bathroom," I demanded, "not on your clothes."

"Yes, mother," Tyren uttered.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

After a few hours, we were all exhasted. Eric, Brent and Jordan claimed the three leather couches in the living room. Sabrina and Tyren plopped down on the matching recliners. Nick, Eli and I sat around the kitchen table.

"So, we know it's been attacked by something, but what attacked it?" Eli asked, folding his hands.

 "Maybe something, like another hybrid?" Nick questioned.

"Well, before we decide what attacked it, what was it before it got attacked?" I asked.

"I don't know, I mean it looked like it had a tail, and it's ears were kind of furry..." Eli trailed off.

And then I realized what it was.

A werewolf

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