Chapter 1

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The last one. The last threat. Gone. Nothing but additional dust to your hands. Now that wasn't so hard, was it?

Frisk collapsed to the ground, dropping the knife.

Hmm? What do you think you're doing? Get up!

"I...I can't..."

Oh no, you aren't giving in now, are you? Come on, it took us hours to defeat that skeletal fool, and now you give up?!

Frisk's expression hardened. They knew what they had to do. The bright button appeared in front of them.


What do you think you're doing? You're not going to press that, are you?

Frisk slowly reached for the button.

Stop that! A strong force pushed against the arm reaching for the reset button.

You've gone through so much, destroyed so many souls, gotten so far! And now you want to throw all of that away?! All of your hard work? All of the EXP. and LOVE you've gained?

Frisk soon gave up reaching for the button, the button disappearing.

That's what I thought. Now, let's go finish this once and for all.

Frisk stood, picking the knife back up and walking to the throne room. Sure enough, the king of monsters was standing right in the middle of the room. He slowly turned around, then was taken aback by who he saw. He attempted to plead for his life, but Frisk didn't listen, attacking him and instantaneously ending him.

A familiar pellet delivered the final blow, destroying his soul.

That backstabbing flower. He tried to get back on good terms with Frisk, but they didn't listen, chopping him into little pieces, nothing of him remaining.

Then they appeared. "Greetings. I am Chara." The human -- no, demon -- with pale skin, rosy cheeks, and a green and yellow striped sweater said. "Your power awakened me from my death. My-"

"Human soul." Frisk said, holding out a red heart. A soul.

Chara just stared at it. "Wha-"

"I may be making a mistake. But I just wanted to try and save everyone." Frisk held out the soul towards Chara. "Even you."

Chara was taken aback. Was this the only reason Frisk had done the run? them? Chara began to chuckle. "You've wasted your happy ending... Your friend's happiness... Your friend's lives... Just to try and save me?" Frisk stood their ground, not declining the statement. "Wow... You really are something... But sadly..." Chara held up a knife, "You've wasted your time." They swung the knife at Frisk, but Frisk caught their arm before they made contact. "What th-"

Frisk chuckled as the reset button spawned once again. "Since when were you the one in control?"

Chara felt a sudden wave of anger. "You know whats going on here, don't you?!" They tackled Frisk to the ground, holding another knife over their head, "You just wanted to watch me suffer, didn't you?!"

"I wanted to try and save you, Chara." Frisk responded, the reset button spawning once again. "But I guess I'll have to try again some other time."

Chara swung at Frisk's soul, and just as their knife made contact with the heart, Frisk's hand met with the reset button.

[[DISCONTINUED]] We're The Same, But Different[Charisk]Where stories live. Discover now