Underswap PT. 2

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[Writing this to fill the gap yee-]

[20 Minute Later Edit: FUCKS SAKE]

[Hour later Edit: Okay, I'm gonna try this one more time.]
[If it doesn't work then I'm going to cut my finger off with a steak knife]

Frisk growled as Chara spared another Ice Cap. This was starting to get ridiculous. Did Chara really intend on going True Pacifist this run? They were truly going to free everyone to the surface?

Frisk walked ahead of Chara, then blocked their path. "What are you doing?" Chara asked.

Frisk folded their arms. "You're actually going through with this, aren't you?"

Chara raised an eyebrow. "Why wouldn't I?"

"I mean, come on, think about it. Why do you think I want to erase the world?"

"Because you hate humanity." Chara spat bluntly, walking around Frisk, "I don't feel like playing one of your games."

Frisk grabbed Chara's shoulder, preventing them from walking any further. "Because I hate humanity." They repeated, confirming the answer, "With a burning passion. So, why do you want to 'free' the monsters to up there? Do you have any idea how negative the humans will act towards them?" Chara froze, thinking it over. "And not just the monsters," Frisk continued, "But you as well."

Chara hadn't thought about any of that. Why were they saving the monsters? Simply because it felt right to do? And even though it felt right, was it truly the right thing to do? To let them onto the surface...?

Chara shook their head free of their thoughts. Frisk was doing this on purpose. To make them question their actions. "I'm not gonna listen to you. You're the bad guy, and you always will be. I have no reason to listen to you." They shrugged Frisk's hand away, then continued walking.

"Will I always be the bad guy? Last time I checked, in various time lines, you're the genocidal demon."

Chara froze again. "What?!"

Frisk smiled at their reaction. Gotcha. "Yep. In many timelines, you're the soulless demon that drives the genocide run. You're the one who wants to kill humanity. You are the one who wants to erase the world. So, tell me, Chara. Who's the true 'bad guy'?"

"Y...you're lying..." Chara muttered, then turned towards Frisk, full of anger, "You're lying!" They yelled.

"Oh?" Frisk said with an amused smirk, "You're in denial. I bet you don't even believe-" A knife flew past Frisk's face, just missing them. The knife fell to the ground, getting buried in the snow. Their smile widened, their point having been proven.

Chara froze. They had just thrown their knife at another living being. Attempted to kill. They backed away slightly, then turned and ran. Frisk was driving them insane on purpose. They wanted them to snap. They had to get away from the manipulative demon.

Frisk smiled slightly as Chara ran. "I may have gone a little too far..." They bent down and picked up the knife. "But that's not my problem." They turned away from where they were currently heading and backtracked. "I have some unfinished business to attend to..."


[I meant to write sin not this]

[welp, guess I'm gonna be making an Underswap Charisk book soon]

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