Chapter 3

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[Not checked, there may be mistakes]

Chara gasped as they opened Toriel's fridgerator. "It's still here..." They grabbed the chocolate bar that had been left in there for God knows how long. Chara hugged it like a long lost brother, "I'll never leave you again..." They whispered to it.

"You've done some creepy junk, but that tops it all," Frisk commented, getting a slice of the butterscotch-cinnamon pie on the counter -- using Chara's knife to cut it. "It's just a chocolate bar."

Chara turned towards Frisk and hissed, "This chocolate bar holds a deep history."

"And you're going to be stuffing your face with that 'deep history' soon."

On their way to Toriel's home, the two decided it would be better to just stay in their new home for awhile before leaving. Chara argued that it was because 'they needed rest' but Frisk knew the true reason was because Chara didn't want to leave Toriel -- their mother -- at all. And Frisk didn't mind. They had trouble leaving Toriel themself, so there really was no true argument about it.

"That chocolate's probably gone bad, too." Frisk added.

"Chocolate doesn't go bad, you idiot," Chara hissed once again. "That's what makes it the best food ever."

Frisk rolled their eyes[???], then took a bite out of the pie. "Just eat the thing and stop praising it like it's a holy object."

Chara held their balled up fist out towards Frisk menacingly, then remembered that Frisk had taken their knife. "I would stab you if I could."

Frisk simply chuckled.


Chara never did eat the chocolate bar, and thought it better to save it for when they really needed it. After staying at Toriel's for awhile, Chara had an idea. "Hey, Frisk," Chara called one night while they were sleeping. Though Chara valued their sleep -- it had been so long since they were able to rest, able to dream -- this was important.

"What," Frisk replied groggily.

"Why should we go to the surface? I mean, the underground is perfectly fine. The monsters are...weak, cowardly, but they're more pleasant than humans. Why can't we just stay here?"

Frisk didn't respond for a moment, and Chara, thinking they had fallen back asleep, was about to yell their name. "Would that make you happy?"

Chara hesitated. "Forget it. Do whatever you want." They turned away from Frisk's bed.

"We can stay down here. I honestly don't mind."

Chara blushed slightly out of embarrassment. They knew Frisk was only saying yes because they think that would make them "happy." And as much as Chara hated to admit....they were flattered that Frisk would even bother to try to do something that would make them happy.

Chara gripped their covers, pulling them over their head. Sh-shut up, you! Just go back to sleep! No more thinking about Frisk!

"Aww, you're thinking about me?" Frisk cooed.

Chara erupted from their covers in surprise and embarrassment. "Did I say that out loud?!"

"Yup. Whatcha thinkin' about~?"

"Like I would tell you!" Chara threw their pillow at Frisk, "Go back to sleep! You heard nothing!"

Frisk giggled as the pillow hit them, "Night, Chara~" Chara didn't respond, now ignoring Frisk.

Frisk already knew what was going on. Chara was staring to grow a liking to them, but was too in denial to admit. But Frisk didn't let it bother them much. But something about knowing that Chara was starting to like them... It made their heart jump. It filled them with determination.


Frisk loomed over Chara as they still slept. Frisk chuckled, "They sure do sleep for awhile..." And Chara was quite the active sleeper. Every now and then, they would twist and turn in their sleep, and sometimes even kick or jab with their fists. And yet this showed that Chara was probably dreaming of something violent, Frisk found it adorable.

Found Chara adorable.

Frisk's heart jumped again at their thoughts. After pushing a little bit of Chara's light brunette hair to the side, revealing more of Chara's pale face and pink cheeks, Frisk decided to go ask Toriel a question. Of course, it was easy to find Toriel as she was sitting in her reading chair as usual. "Good morning, my child. Is there something you need?"

"I have a question." Frisk said, sitting on the floor with their legs crossed in front of them. Toriel nodded, signaling Frisk to ask away. "Is it possible for someone to share their soul?"

Toriel slightly tilted her head to the side. "Why are you asking?" She said with a slight chuckle.

Should Frisk tell about their theory of how Chara was here? No, not yet. They needed more proof. "Just curious." They said with a shrug.

"Well, as far as I know, it is possible for someone, if their soul is powerful enough, to donate a half of their soul to someone who needs it. A powerful soul is able to live with only half of its source, but the soul may not be as powerful as it used to be. Is that a sufficient answer?"

Frisk nodded, drawing circles in the ground with their finger. "Goat mom, I have a theory." Toriel tilted her head in confusion. "About Chara." Toriel snapped into attention. "I think... They accidentally shared my soul."

"How so?"

Frisk sighed, thinking of a lie. "After I fell down here, and while I was unconscious, I saw Chara. Chara was speaking to me, but I forget what they said. But, somehow, they came into contact with my soul, and everything went white, and now they're here. So...?"

"That is quite the weird experience. Chara appearing while you were unconscious...? My, I don't know what to say. Did you not want Chara to come with you? Did something they said make you not like them?"

"No! I-I'm completely fine with Chara being here! I just...thought I should share my thoughts on why they're here. Y'know, with the readers."


"Oh, uh, sorry, I'm just rambling now." Frisk stood, "Thanks, Goatmom. Mind if I look around the ruins?"

"Of course not. But I suggest you take Chara with you. So they won't be left here without someone to talk to."

"But you're here!"

"I'm sure they would rather be with someone their age than with an old geezer like me." Toriel giggled.

"Alright... I'll go wake them up."

Frisk went back to their room and attempted to awaken Chara, but it was no use. They were a deep sleeper. "Chara... C'mon, wake up..." Frisk groaned, then got an idea. They lowered themselves beside Chara's ear, and whispered, "Ooohhh Chara~ Did I ever tell you about how much I loved you~?"

Chara rocketed up, their face redder than their eyes. "Frriissk..." Chara hissed.

"Mornin'," Frisk said cooly, "I was gonna take a walk around the ruins. Wanna come?"

Chara put a hand over their pounding heart. "Sure, whatever. Just never do that again."

Frisk chuckled triumphantly, then made their way out. Chara soon followed, still clutching their heart.

[[DISCONTINUED]] We're The Same, But Different[Charisk]Where stories live. Discover now