Chapter 8:

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L: [Leaning against a wall] You know it's weird.

V: What? [Head tilted in curiosity]

L: How we see each other so often, but we don't know anything about each other. [Leon makes a point by pointing at her]

V: Yeah I guess that is strange. [Violetta shrugs]

L: [smirks, leans in closer] I plan to change that.

Violetta gulps with the close proximity. She hasn't been this close to Leon in a long while and the conversation is filled with memories of time past. She's glad when the director yells 'cut!' She blinks and then heads off in the direction of her dressing room. Leon is right at her tail.

"Violetta, can we talk?" He hasn't stopped asking since they ran into each other at the restaurant and Violetta doesn't know how to avoid it anymore. It's getting harder for her to keep saying no. In all honesty, she just wants to talk it out, to figure out what went wrong then, but she's not sure if she'll be able to handle it. She knows that if they talk, things could change. She might not be ready for that. "Please, you can't keep avoiding this." She sighs because it's true.

Her phone tells her it's past three in the afternoon and their time on set is done for the day. In her head, a voice tells her to take a chance, to listen to what he has to say. It's always been there, but it's stronger today. She has no choice but to listen.

"Alright. I'll just change and we can grab an early dinner so we can talk." She doesn't leave room for Leon to answer, just escaping into her room. Once the door is closed behind her, she lets herself fall against it.


"... so we can talk." Violetta is in her dressing room by the time Leon realizes what she just agreed to. They're going to talk. Violetta is finally giving him a chance. He inhales anxiously, walking to his own dressing room to change.

He knew Violetta would cave eventually, she just never imagined it would be so soon. Now they're about to have dinner to talk things over and Leon is actually a bit worried. He never planned on what he was going to say, figured he'd have something planned. Now, his mind is on overtime, wondering what story he'll give when the time comes. He's always thought it would be easy to say what he has to say, but with every passing minute, his heart constricts a little further, thinking that what he says won't justify anything.

The truth is, when he imagined he would be mending things with Violetta, he let himself believe it would be for the better. That after the conversation they would be able to come together again, be something more, but with Tomas in the picture, it just doesn't seem like that's a possibility. He planned on telling Violetta that he never fell out of love, but if he says that now, things would just be worse. He has to think about what he's going to say. Although he still loves Violetta, he can't admit to it, not now. So he goes over various conversations, in hopes that something will come to him before their early dinner.

A knock on his door startles him and he quickly tugs on his coat as he opens the door to find Violetta in a new set of clothes. Her expression is forlorn and her hands are at her sides, almost tense. Leon knows how hard this is for her. It's hard for him too.

"Ready?" Leon nods and they both head out. Violetta suggests they take her car, seeing as Leon got a ride from Andres that morning. The drive is silent, neither of the pair knowing how to approach the subject. Leon wants to speak out first, but his throat is dry and his mind is blank. With no idea of what to say, Leon mindlessly plays with his hands until he grows some courage and reaches out to turn the dial on the radio. With it on, there would at least be noise to fill the silence.

The song that comes on has them both freezing up. It's their song, the song they first dance to when Leon had asked her to homecoming all those months ago. The words hold so many memories of the dance, swaying and laughing, happy as ever in their love bubble.

"Other dancer's may be on the floor,

Dear, but my eyes will only see you,

Only you have that magic technique,

When we sway I go weak."

Leon hurries to turn off the radio, leaning back in his seat when the car goes silent again. No one says a word as they continue to drive on. Leon wonders if the song on the radio has made them lose the progress they seemed to have gained.

The car comes to a stop and the engine cuts off as they both wait for someone to make the first move. Leon decides to take initiative, opening the door and waiting for Violetta. She doesn't move and it worries him, thinking she might just drive away. She steps out cautiously, like she's hesitant of what she should do next. Leon let's her take her time, watching as she walks slowly toward him.

"Um- let's go in." She steps toward the entrance, letting Leon follow after her. "Reservations for two." She tells the hostess. A waiter guides them to a table and sets down two waters as well as menus. Once the waiter is gone, Leon wonders how he should approach the subject.

"So- uh-" He stutters, not sure how to start the conversation.

"You wanted to talk?" Her tone is cold, making Leon more nervous about what he's going to say.

"Yeah I did." He breathes in, taking a moment to collect his thoughts. "What happened to us?" Are the words that come out of his mouth.

"What do you mean what happened? You know what happened."

"Yes I do know what happened, but I just... I don't know why it happened that way." Violetta sighs, putting the menu down and finally looking Leon in the eye.

"It just did okay... Let's just eat and then we can talk."

Baby I Loved You First- LeonettaWhere stories live. Discover now