Chapter 21:

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Violetta was invited to a girl's night out. Fran and Camila stressed that it would be just what Violetta needed to let her mind take a break from Leon. Violette figured it would be a good way to destress, so she accepted the offer.

The girls all gathered at Fran's, the gang for the night being Francesca, Violetta, Camila, Naty, and Ludmilla. After everyone was accounted for, the girls bustled into Fran's car and drove off to wherever Fran intended to spend the evening. The large neon sign was a dead giveaway, Ludmilla being the first to clap wildly in her seat with excitement.

"A karaoke club?" Violetta asks.

"It'll be a blast." Francesca assures, paying the entrance fee and leading them all to a table. The crowd is still small since it's only early evening. There is already a girl group onstage singing about love and friendship and somehow it has Violetta feeling at ease.

"Thank you so much ladies," The MC announces as he steps onto the stage after the groups finished their performance. "Next up, we have a lovely couple here to sing their own rendition of 'Lucky.'" Cheers erupt through the small crowd as the pair walk out, a petite blond girl with a long haired blond boyfriend. The guy carries his own guitar on stage, Violetta excited to see the performance. Stools are placed in the center and they arrange themselves accordingly. The lights dim and the first strum of the guitar settles through the air, calming the crowd into a hushed silence.

"Do you hear me, I'm talking to you. Across the water across the deep blue ocean..." Violetta sways her head to the music, not sure about the song, but loving the beat. When the chorus hits, Violetta can only hear the words on repeat in her head, zoning in on how close the lyrics hit to home. "I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend. Lucky to have been where I have been, lucky to be coming home again."

Their voices continue to carry through the room, other couples in the vicinity swaying as well. Violetta can feel the emotion in their performance, completely absorbed in the beauty of the song. It reminds her of Leon. Of how they used to be, back when they were best friends and spending time with him reminded her of home.

She knows that tonight wasn't meant for her to be thinking about Leon, so she lets the thought fade away, saving it away for another night. Tonight she plans to enjoy herself with her friends.


Marco knocks on his door just as Leon was planning to order take out. Marco looks a bit crazy as he pants on his front porch, wheezing out something about a plan.

"Marco, I cannot understand anything you're saying." Leon grumbles. Marco finally manages to catch his breath, leaning up to grasp Leon's shoulders.

"I have a plan Leon, a plan to get Francesca once and for all." He proclaims, wide grin on his face. Leon smiles questioningly, urging him to go on. "What does Fran absolutely love?" Leon plans to answer, but Marco doesn't give him the chance. "Music, and what better way to show her that I love her than through song." Leon practically combusts at that, laughing hysterically. Marco may be totally serious about this, but the way he worded it has him laughing until his stomach hurts. "I thought it was a great plan." Marco mumbles, dropping his arms in defeat. Leon eases up in the laughter to give his friend a hug.

"It's an amazing plan, Marco. So I say go for it."


"Yes really."

"Great, then let's get a move on."

Leon barely had time to protest before he was being dragged off to Marco's car and pushed into the back where the rest of the guys were already seated.

"Took you two long enough." Broduey states as Leon buckles in.

"Where are we going?"

"Some karaoke club that apparently Fran will be at tonight." Maxi supplies from the front seat.

"She will be, she told me." Marco promises, already out of the driveway and driving off to the club.

It's a small club, they come to find, as they enter the building. Some blonde couple has just finished their set and a tall guy has made his way onto the stage. He starts belting out "Grenade" by Bruno Mars and Leon admires his voice.

Marco is searching the club until his eyes land on Fran toward the front. He lightly shrieks and goes to hide behind Leon.

"What happened to  manning up to your feelings?" Leon teases. He sighs as he steps forward again, heading toward the MC as sneakily as he can. Leon and the others follow, not wanting the girls to see them just yet. Marco gathers enough courage to tell the man he wants to sing a song, but when asked what song, he blanks. Leon pulls him back with a scowl.

"You brought us all down here and you don't have a song?" Marco shrugs innocently. Leon sighs as he glances around the room, catching sight of a large book. He points to it and Maxi lifts it in his arms to pass to Marco. "Read through it and pick a song." Marco nods as she begins to flip through the pages, skimming through the list.

Leon takes this time to spy out from where they're hiding, seeing Violetta sitting there, smiling with her friends. He's so happy that they've worked through their past and can get on with their lives without it being in the way. Maybe now he won't be so scared to try something. There was always that nagging feeling in the back of his mind that if he ever tried to be with Violetta before they discussed the break-up, it would end badly. However, that factor has changed since they have discussed it and things are better now. Way better.

"I got it." Marco cheers as he hops back up to tell the man the song. The MC tells him to be ready because he'll be going on in the next minutes. He turns back around with a nervous look and the guys all crowd him so he doesn't think about backing out.

"You'll be fine." Federico reassures.

"She'll be yours after this; at least we hope she will." Andres says.

"Marco, this is your chance to get the girl, so go get her man." Leon concludes, pushing Marco onto the stage. He hopes this works.

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