Chapter 9:

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"Leon, stop it!" Violetta squeals as she runs form him, laughing like crazy. Violetta thought it would be funny to scare Leon earlier, now she's suffering the consequences of having Leon chasing after her. He's trying to catch her in order to tickle her to death, or so he claims. She's already been caught a few times, but she's managed to escape. However, as she approaches corner of the theater, she realizes she's been caught for good. Leon is quick to tickle her, running his hands on her side to make her squirm. Her laughs increase in volume as Leon continues his assault. "Enough, please." She pleads.

"Say mercy." He teases and Violetta has to let out another fit of giggles before she can say anything else.

"Mercy, mercy!" Leon stops, hands resting on the wall behind her. Violetta's laughing quiets down when she realizes how close they are. Her breathing picks up when she feels Leon leaning in. His face is only centimeters away, one move away from touching his lips with hers.

"Leon!" Maxi shouts as he searches for his friend. Leon jumps back in shock, not having any idea what came over him moments ago. Maxi finds his friend with Violetta a second later. "Hey man, time to run lines." He grabs onto Leon, leading him away, leaving Violetta a blushing mess.


"How was diner with Vilu last night?" Andres asks, sitting in Leon's dressing room.

"It was... decent. We didn't really talk about what happened."

"What did you talk about?"

"Taking on a clean slate. She said we should try to act more civil."

"So she's giving you another chance?"

"Yeah I guess so." The diner last night was definitely awkward, but not unpleasant. It reminded Leon of old times, late nights at ice cream parlors and early morning hot chocolate runs. He misses that, missed it even more when he had Violette there with him, but he understand that she's with someone else. His feelings are still going to be there, but he's going to try and control himself. He owes it to Violetta to find happiness.

"So what does that mean for you? Is she forgiving you?"

"You know you ask a lot of questions?" Leon laughs because Andres really wants all the answers when he hardly knows what they are.

"Well I want to know man. Vilu coming to terms with this is huge. It means she's trying to look past all that bad and let you back in her life."

"Yeah, but not in the way I want." Andres can read his friend like a book.

"You still love her don't you?" Of course he does, he's never stopped loving her. No matter how many nights have gone by, Violetta has been his one constant thought. He can't help but love her because she was his everything. Even now, after so long, she means the world to him.

"I don't think I'll ever stop."


They're in the theatre today, filming some of the scenes that are set in the theatre. These scenes are based around idea that they are finally giving each other a chance, a chance to love. Violetta is unsure as to how this will go.

Having to act that way around Leon is strange. Her love for Leon, although not as prominent, is still there. She's just doesn't know how to show it without feeling getting too invested in Leon again. Her heart still aches at the thought of having once been so in love with Leon she could hardly handle it. Staring at him now, only inches away from her, those feelings are coming back, and it's certainly not what she expected.

When she left two years ago thinking she could finally move on, she never even considered that she might run into Leon. She always believed that once high school was over, after the incident, they would never see each other again. She loved the idea, thrived on the concept. It would help her get through the break up quicker.

Today has been an exception. Dinner last night reminded her of the past of the dates they used to go on when they were barely learning, sneaking out at night to watch the stars or going to the park for cute little picnics. It was all so wonderful, so magical. Those were the things she missed the most when she let herself reminisce.

But she can't let herself get caught up in the past. Being involved with Tomas means she is trying to move on, trying to see that she doesn't need Leon in her life. It's difficult though. Seeing him on a regular basis doesn't help. The more time she spends on set, the more things she can't stop thinking about him. From the small scar on his chin to the dimples that only come out when he's truly happy, these are things that Violetta still remembers, can never forget. He's still imprinted in her brain, being her first love and all.

Sometimes she wishes she could just forget, but she knows it's not possible, not when the times she spent with him meant so much to her. He will always be a big part of her life even if he's still practically a stranger now. Inhibitions past her, she has decided to give Leon a chance, maybe working things out will be for the better.

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