Chapter 22:

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A spotlight is cast on center stage and to their amazement, it's Marco. Fran is the first to gasp, probably wondering what the heck he's doing up there.

"What's he doing up there?" Naty whispers, the girls all watching as he is handed a microphone.

"Not a clue, I had no idea he would even be here tonight." Fran murmurs. The music fades in, a totally upbeat song with a lot of drum and guitars. During the intro he shakily he finds his balance, fidgeting-or maybe dancing- awkwardly on stage. He sings the first words, nicely might Violetta add, and the rest of the group watches as with dropped jaws as he keeps singing.

"There will be no rules tonight if there were we'd break 'em. Nothing's gonna stop us now, let's get down to it." Violetta's gaze moves to Fran who seems to be smiling at Marco's antics. Seems she's finally realizing just how much she likes him. "This is the dance for all the lovers, takin' a chance for one another. Finally it's our time now." His stage presence has improved from the start whereas now he's grown a nice head bopping rhythm and shaking technique. His eyes search the crowd and when he find Fran he grins largely and bounces of the stage, heading straight for her.

"Take my heart, I'll take your hand." His hand goes for Francesca and she takes it, Marco hauling her up with him on stage. The music carries on as they sing together, dancing and smiling, seemingly in their own world. Violetta can see the moment her best friend has her epiphany, eyes fond as she watches the happy couple. She can tell Marco has finally won her heart.

When the song ends, Violetta is the first to clap, excitement coursing through her body. Marco and Fran take a bow and hug before making their way off the stage.

"Hope that performance did the trick."


Leon smiles as Violetta turns to face him. She smiles right back at him and then glances back at Marco and Fran off stage.

"I think it did." Leon follows her gaze, catching Marco and Fran mid-kiss. Definitely did the trick alright. He faces Violetta again, her eyes still watching the happy couple. Leon is always so captivated by Violetta, everything about her is something he's come to love. His eyes go fond as he studies her face, her smile making him smile. When she faces him again, their eyes lock in an intense stare, vivid clearness of their love in each other eyes. Leon can sense it, can sense that Violetta is open now, now longer holding in her feelings. He can't help but reach out, engulfing her in a tight hug.

"Maybe one day that will be us." It was meant to be a thought, but the words left his lips in a quiet whisper. Violetta doesn't have any objection, which calms him greatly. She wants to try again he presumes. He gets his answer when she nods into the curve of his neck.

After their hug, the rest of the group joins them. All of them are yelling and shouting in excitement for the new couple, while Leon is still in his own thoughts. Violetta wants to try again; she actually wants to try again. He's ecstatic because it means he got his second chance. And he's certainly going to do something about it.

The next day on set is the moment that almost concludes the filming of the movie. It's been a tough three months and now the time has come to film... the kissing scene. It's been on Leon's minds since the start of the project and today is the day the fulfill the scene.

Leon is nervous about it. Violetta has been okay since this morning, so either she doesn't mind or she's forgotten. Leon hopes that it's because a tiny part of her wants to kiss Leon again. Leon knows he's been dying to kiss her again; the right moment just hasn't come up.

Today whether he the moment is right or not, he's going to have to kiss her.

The director has called everyone to set, lighting being fixed and sound managers tinkering with the microphones. Leon and Violetta are sitting side by side as the camera crew readies themselves for the scene.

"Big moment huh?" Leon says to hopefully break the unusual tension. Violetta nods, absorbed in her own little world. Leon is a little worried now about how this might go. Worse comes to worse and she pushes him away, they'll have to keep going until they get the scene.

"Alright everyone ready?" Once everyone has acknowledged that they are ready the director yells, "Lights! Camera! Action!"

L: [facing V] I don't want this to be good-bye. Not now, not ever. [grabs for her hands and pulls her closer]

V: [sighs] Neither do I, but you're going away and I can't come with you. [emotional] I love you so much. I don't want you to go.

L: I'll be back. I'll always come back to you. You are my everything. When I get back, we'll get married and live together for the rest of our lives. I'll never let you go. [leaning in] Never. [goes for the kiss]

Violetta hesitates since they should be kissing right now, but Violetta hasn't moved. Leon opens his eyes to see her eyes filled with worry.

"Vilu, the scene." He whispers. She only stares and Leon figured this would happen. "Can we cut?"

"Cut!" The director yells, clearly agitated. "We we're doing great, what happened?"

"Just need a quick chat." He pulls Violetta away to talk. Once they are far away, enough so no one will hear, he asks, "Is everything alright?"

"I-I-" She stutters, words jumbling about as she tries to form a sentence. She finally manages to say, "I want to kiss you."

"That's great, so let's get back to the scene-"

"But not like this." Leon gapes at her confused. "I want to kiss you without the pressure of a camera or people telling me whether or not we did a great job." She exhales shakily, "I just- I- Can I admit something?"


"Yesterday, when we were at the karaoke club and I saw Marco and Fran together, they were so happy. I realized how much I miss it, miss us and our happiness. Then you go and tell me you want that to be us and I decided that it was finally time to make it a reality. I want us to try again, but I feel like if we kiss right now, in front of all these people, it's not the same. I want us becoming us again to be between me and you, not- not them." Leon's previous frown forms into a gentle smile.

"Follow me."

Baby I Loved You First- LeonettaWhere stories live. Discover now