1) Hello World!! I'm Paige Stilinski Hear Me Roar...Literally!

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I don't want anything to do with Werewolves, Alphas, hell I don't even want to have the color white in my vocabulary. So that explains why I'm at the tattoo parlor with Scott and Stiles. My brother had tapped me on the shoulder. "Hey Paige, what do you think about this tattoo?" He showed me a picture that looked like the Kanima. I glare at him.

"Too soon?" I roll my eyes. "I sometimes wish I was an only child." I look over at Scott while he was getting ready for his lame ass tattoo. "I don't know, Scott. Are you sure about this? I mean these things are pretty permanent you know." Stiles says as he stands next to me. Scott smiles at both of us. "I'm not changing my mind." Stiles and I give him a funny look. "Okay, but why two bands?"

"Maybe it's to remind Scott that he really sucks at math." I laugh and walk over to the wall of tattoos. I see some that were way out of my taste and then I see one that has a mesh of patterns. It's almost hypnotizing. "Hey, Stiles. What do you-" I hear a thud and turn to find my twin knocked out on the floor. "Still can't handle the sight I needles?" I mutter and look back at the tattoo. I want it...


Scott was freshly bandaged up and I was freshly bandaged as well. "I can not believe you got your shoulder tattooed, dad is going to kill you when he finds out." I scoff and look right at my brother. "Not if I wear a nice shirt. And if you tell. Oh I will be the only child. Don't test me." I say with a smile on my face.

Stiles rolls his eyes and looks at Scott. "You okay?" He asked. "It kinda burns." Scott looks at his bandaged arm. "Um, yeah you just got your skin stabbed about 100,000 times by a needle." I comment. "Yeah, but I don't think it's suppose to feel like this." He groans in pain. "It's defiantly not suppose to feel like this. I gotta take this thing off."

"Oh, no, no, no, Scott." My brother whines. "Oh don't be gross McCall." I turn my head and hear Scott mutter that it healed. I look over sure enough those two black bands on his arm was gone. "Thank God I hated it." Stiles mutter as he starts his jeep. "Me too...sorry Scott." He looks at both of us in disbelief as Stiles drives off.

"So, Scott. Have you spoken to Allison?" I ask. He shakes his head. "No, we decided to give each other a break during the summer. No texts. No calls." I feel bad that those two aren't together. I mean Jackson and I have been apart for about four months. Don't think about him Paige. You don't want to open up that can of worms. "So, how do you know she won't be back at school then?" Stiles asks as he stops at the red stop light. I lean up from the back seat and from the corner of my eye I see Lydia and Allison in the car next to us.

I tap Scott on the shoulder. He looks over and I see the sadness on his face. But when Allison looks at him he turns away quickly. I move back because truth be known I don't want Lydia to see me. I look at my phone and get the urge to text Phoebe. But she's probably with her parents still on the plane coming back from Vermont. I see my brother rolled down Scott's window. "Hey!" He calls out. "What the hell are you doing?" I hiss from the backseat. The girls drive off and I thank God that they did. "Maybe they didn't see us." My brother says. Scott sighs and we began to drive off. I look out the window and my shoulder starts to feel funny. Oh crap! Please don't tell me my tattoo is healing like Scott's did.

I take the bandage off and see my tattoo began to spread. What the? The jeep jerks still and I almost hit my head. "Whoa, What happened? Wait...did you hear that?" Stiles and Scott both look at me and suddenly we hear screaming. We jumped out of the jeep and run to Lydia's car. The girls were outside of the car staring. I walk around and see a big buck smashed into the front window. "It came out of nowhere, it ran right into us." Lydia said as Stiles tries to comfort her. Scott was comforting Allison. I look at the buck a little closer and touch it. Whatever this thing was running from... It was terrified...


I was waiting at Phoebe's locker when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn and see my red haired partner in crime. "Paige!" She pulls me into a hug. "Phebs!" We move back and give each other a look over. "I can't believe you survived the whole summer without me." I laugh and hug her again. "Hey be happy that my brother survived this summer." I throw my arm over her shoulder and we walk down the hall.

"So I wanted something new this year...so I got a tattoo." Phoebe's eyes go wide. "Let me see." I move my shirt down and show her my shoulder. "Wow, did it hurt?" I shrug. "It was more like a pinch really." I flinch a little and feel my shoulder start to burn. My heart begins to race as I realize my tattoo was burning not my shoulder. "Are you okay?"

I nod and pull my shirt up. "Yeah, you can go to class I need a minute." I walk off towards the bathroom but bump into someone. "Sorry." I look up and see double. Literally! The boys standing in front of me were twins. Some really hot looking twins.

I shake out of it and run to the bathroom as I feel my tattoo burn me more. I lean over the sink and take deep breaths. I look in the mirror and see my eyes starting to darken. I growl and smash the mirror. Not now! I see my hand begins to heal. My shoulder feels cooler and my eye turns back to the blue that I have come to love. Be normal...try to be normal? I gather my things an run out of the bathroom before anyone sees the damage that I caused.

I was in English class a s got a text message on my phone. And so did everyone else. That's weird. "The offering was barred by a black bank of clouds and the tranquil waterway, leads to the uttermost ends of the earth flowed somber under and overcast sky, seemed to lead into the heart of an immersed darkness."

The new English teacher had read off the text. How..how did she get my number? "This is the last line to the first book we are going to read. It is also the last text you will receive in class. Phones off everyone." She says to all of us. I groan but shut my phone off. I see Scott and Stiles do the same alone with Lydia, Allison and Phoebe.

The principal comes in and talks to the teacher for a moment. She looks over at me and then Scott. "Mr. McCall? Miss Stilinski?" She motions for us to follow her. We get up and go out the door. She had pulled Scott to the side and spoke to him. I stand back and wait. My ears peek up and I hear something. "Paige, lets go." I turn and nod then leave with Scott.

When we get to the hospital Scott's mom tells us everything. Why did Isaac need me here? "Why is Paige involved?" Scott asks as he looks at me. I shrug and let him talk to his mom for a moment. I feel it again. Something in the air. Like something bad is coming. Something bad is going to happen. "Paige?" I snap out of it and look at Scott. "Huh?"

He takes my hand and I feel a spark but I let him drag me to the wherever. "We need to get to Isaac. He's in room 215." We get to an elevator and get inside. The doors begins to close but a stick pops through. In comes a blind man. I move over to the side next to Scott and feel a growl in my throat. "Would you press the button for the second floor?" Wait isn't that the same floor we're going? "Uh, yeah." Scott mutters. I'm getting a strange vibe from him. And I don't like it one bit.

The elevator ride up was silent and I couldn't wait to get away from this guy. The elevator had stopped on the second floor and I we begin to walk out. The blind man had placed his hand on Scott's shoulder and I felt annoyed.

"You wouldn't mind helping me out a second, would you?" Scott had glanced at me and then the man. "Um...sure." He helps the man and I follow them. I keep a close eye on the blind man. Something is so off about him but I just don't know. After we drop him off we run to find Isaac's room. "Remember it's room 215."

"Gotcha." We look around and walk the halls. I see a man wheeling what looks like an unconscious Isaac Lahey. The man turns around and looks right at me. I...I know what he is. I can just feel it. I hear a growl behind me. "Paige, go somewhere safe."

I move against the wall and Scott runs into the elevator. "Scott!" I see the number and run down to the 1st floor. I run into someone and notice that its Derek. I motion for him to follow me and the elevator doors open. I see the alpha holding Scott by the throat. Derek had moved me back and jammed his claw into the alphas back then threw him out of the elevator. Derek looked at me and Scott. "Aren't you two suppose to be in school?"


Derek was carrying Isaac while Scott and I follows him into the house. Scott was on the phone with my brother talking about crows attacking the classroom. I follow Derek into the next room. I look around for a moment. "Love what you've done with the place. The cobwebs give it a great home welcoming." He glares at me for a moment.

Scott then joins us in the room. "You still don't live here do you?" He asks. Derek shakes his head. "No, the county took it over, but there's something here that I need. It'll help heal a wound from an alpha." Why am I back in this mess? I just wanted to start the school year right. But no I'm just dragged back into the wolves den.

"But Isaac's wounds did heal." Scott says as he looks at Isaac. Derek looks at him with a sad look in his eyes. "Not on the inside." I clear my throat. "Derek...who was that? You know the guy in scrubs? The alpha." Derek looks at me and sighs. "I thought you didn't want to be involved." He could never just give me a straight answer. "Just answer me please."

He sighs. "A rival pack. It's my problem you'll be safe. Both of you promise. Now go home go back to being normal teenagers." I feel a pain shoot through my arm and I wince. I don't want too much attention drawn to myself as Scott and Derek talk so I walk out of the house and stand on the porch. I take deep breathes and hold my knees. "Hey, are you okay?" I hear my brothers voice. I don't look up. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just go see what Scott wants."

He gives me another glance and heads inside of the house. My heart was racing and I drop to my knees. My arm was on fire. When I looked down I saw that my tattoo was spreading to my finger tips. Oh god it feels like my skin was boiling and that fire was coursing through my veins.

I feel my gums burn and I hold myself. No....not here...please. I feel my claws cut pierce through my fingers. No...I can control this. If Scott can do it then I can too. I feel my spine jerk and I bite my tongue to keep from screaming. The blood pools in my mouth. Somebody help me! That's when I hear Scott's scream....

I sat on the porch feeling numb. The pain is gone...I feel normalish... The tattoo had stopped at my finger tips. I need answers and I need to know why is this tattoo doing this to my body. Scott and Stiles were coming out of the house and I covered my arm the best way I could. I turn slightly and see Scott looking at Derek's door.

"Why is the door painted on one side?" Scott frowns. "Scott, go home?" I look over at Scott and see him bring out his claws. He starts to scratch the door up and under the paint shows the alphas symbol. Te same pattern that I seem four months ago. We all look at Derek and he finally confesses.

"How many are there?" Scott asks. "A pack of them...an alpha pack." Derek answers. My brother looks between Scott and Derek. "Wait how does that even work?" Derek looks at Stiles.

"I hear there's some kind of leader he's called Deucation. We know they have Boyd and Erica. Peter, Isaac and I have been looking for him for the last four months." Scott thinks for a moment and looks at him. "Lets say you find them? How do you deal with an alpha pack?" I feel Derek's eyes on me as I look away. "With all the help I can get."

"I said I didn't want to be involved." I mutter. "But Paige with you we can-" I cut him off with a glare. "Wait? Why is my sister involved?" I take a deep breathe and step forward. I let my arm be seen and I hear all of them gasp. "They want something...and that something is me."

I look up at Derek. "I wanted nothing to do with this but from the way I just spent the last fifteen minutes watching my tattoo spread on my arm. I guess I don't have a choice." I look at everyone and then hear a shift. "Where is she?" We all look at Isaac. "Where is who?" Derek asked. "The girl." Now a girl is missing? Screw the norm...my life is just too over rated...



The Wolf Inside (TEEN WOLF FAN-FIC) ~BOOK 2 TO LONE WOLF~ COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now