13) Drowning In The Blood Of My Sins...

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"Come to mama..." I look over and see my mom holding her arms out to me. "Mom?" This can't be real. No this can't be real.

"Paige, come to me...." I turn and feel my legs start to pump fast. "That's mommy's little track star." I keep running and smiling. "Mom!" I ran into her arms and hugged her. This is real. This has to be real. I can smell her. She smells like peppermint and strawberry shampoo. "Mom, I've missed you."

"And I've missed you too. Now lets go inside there's someone who wants to meet you." She ushers me inside of the house and I smell my favorite short bread cookies filling the air. "I'll be right back. She is waiting for you in the living room."

I was about to ask her who was waiting for me but she left the room before I could. "Paige..." I look over towards the living room and slowly take a step forward. "Who are you?"

"Someone who needs to tell you everything you need to know..." I look and see a shock of white hair. "Lana? Where have you-"

"Please, sit. There is much I need to tell you and in little time. But first let me tell you a story on why Rouge wants your eyes..."


Isaac is in the hospital. Kira did something amazing and shocking. And to top it all off. Stiles and Paige are missing again. I don't know what's inside of Paige that's making her do crazy things but Stiles has that evil fox spirit controlling him.

Regardless both of them are not acting like themselves. Especially after the whole cut wire at the hospital. A few people said they had saw the twins leaving in Stiles' jeep. Derek had told me that I had to tell their dad everything about his son and daughter. But where do I begin?

"Any news?" I ask my mom as I stood in the kitchen doorway. "They're still looking for them. It's past the 48-hours mark, but I guess if anyone's going to be missing for two days and turn up just fine, it'll be Stiles and Paige."

"What about Isaac?" She hesitates for a moment then gets up. "Maybe we should go by the hospital before school." I nod and we head out the door.

When we get there Allison was sleep in the waiting room. I tap her shoulder and she wakes right up. "Have you been here all night?" She nods. "Yeah, they won't let me see him because I'm not family. I told them he doesn't have any."

"Well he's got us." My mom comments. "And I've got a key card. Now both of you be quick." Allison and I go into Isaac's room and I see him with an ugly mark on his neck.

I can't believe the two people I've known since the day I moved here could have done this to our friend.

"I thought he'd be healing by now." I nod. "So did I." I reply. As we listen to his heart monitor I touch his arm and begin to take some of his pain and suffering away. I gasp as I take it all in.

"It won't heal him. But it helps with the pain." I say with a shaky breath. I move back and Allison looks back at Isaac. "Did Stiles and Paige really do this?"

"Whatever's controlling them did this. Whatever's inside of them..."

"Well, then how do we get whatever's inside of them the hell out of them?"

"I'm working on it...."

At school I had caught up with Kira and she had a panicked look on her face. "Scott remember that book I showed you?"

"Yeah, what's up?" She sighs and we walk down the hall. "The thing is, in all of the stores kitsune are trickers. " They're mischievous. They don't really get caught up in right or wrong or even understand it."

The Wolf Inside (TEEN WOLF FAN-FIC) ~BOOK 2 TO LONE WOLF~ COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now