"Sir, the sacrifices were successful " a man in Black and Long coat approached someone in his 60s wearing a Red suit whilst handing him something wrapped in a white cloth.The man in a red suit nodded as he bummed out another cigarette in his mouth,"This is our another stepped towards our success Dean.".The guy in black suit--- Dean lowered his head and nodded whilst he unbuttoned the lock of his silked black gloves."I've been running for 4 days without any rest just to retrieve that stuff you're asking for" he said while he went near the window and ran his hand through the curtain,only to see the incoming darkness of a 6:45 pm clouds rolling towards them.
The man in red suit nodded as he stretched his eyebrows whilst llistening to Dean's talk "I know, I know ..".Dean bit his inner cheeks and for a moment he spun around and faced the man.He gulped as he ran through a thousand thoughts in his mind ,peeking in every possible idea to match what he had thought to say couple of hours ago before meeting this man--- his 'lord'.He gathered the missing pieces of courage and sighed as he opened his mouth and ask the man ."We..we made a deal that once I gave what you need you'll also provide me the same." he lowered his gaze while drumming his fingers on the desk near him.The man's smile dissolved in a placid and cold toned expression as he listens to Dean's cracking words.

Dean concentrated as he bit his lower lip waiting for any respond to the man in red suit,then the man stood up and crushed the cigarette he bummed on the ashtray as he inhaled a long sigh. Dean felt hesitant for a moment and realized he's on the edge then found the courage to hope that this old whimp will give what he needed: "I've been looking for him ever since I left the Military.. you know he's not just someone for me ...... everyone knows he's like--" he paused and motioned on his side wall as representing something "--a brother to me...".

The man in red suit chuckled and fixed his collar,"You've been following the turncoated swine for almost 4 years Mr.Skevslov,he is the hidden dagger among us,and yet you're butting him like a tail.".Dean felt a sudden wave of flame passed through his chest,he is his friend,and that's period,no other words.For 4 years they were parted ,he hoped he'd find him again,of course it's an accomplishment for his friend to break free from the chains of their 'forced and voluntarily joined militia like group ' so called NEW WORLD ORDER abbreviated N.W.O. ,where they are forced to serve as militias called The Phòs translated -The Enlightened,where they bring gruesome deaths in a certain place they were assigned...

The man in Red suit went near the big white board and looked at the pinned papers on it."We led the first mass murder in Rothenburg Germany 7 years ago." the man forced his dried throat. "Operation Bloodshed" Dean continued and found himself being disgusted on what he heard,something that pushed his inner traumas 7 years ago.The man smiled whilst he nodded."annnnd ahhh this one" as he points of what seems to be years ago newspaper pinned on the white board hes looking at."the gruesome death of the General of the 4th American Army Corps--- General Reese Heller" Dean continued his words."Operation?" the man in red suit turned back at him."Operation Underdogs" as he forced his lips.The man laughed as he pulled out the papers on the white board and sets in front of Dean.Dean found himself balancing the situation hes standing with ,as his eyes were caught by the papers containing the murders they once ---HE led.He felt a nausea attacking him and a sudden blacking of his visions.The man sitted on his chair again and pulled out his drawer on the black desk in front of him, containing handful of papers,then he pulled out a 2 pages paper or a bio data of someone.He sighed as he lowered his hourglass eyeglasses looking at Dean, who found himself looking at him as well.He handed the papers at him and waved his head . "I loathe your friend Mr.skevslov, but you asked for a help which is part of our deal so I provided it since you provided mine.".Dean excitedly looked at the papers and a smile curved on his lips,then he nodded as he bit his inner cheeks."T-thanks Sir Vega I really appreciated it".The man in Red suit- Vega nodded as well.Dean smiled and for one instance an ear shattering siren pierced the silence.

Dean quickly opened the door and looked at the balcony of the office hes at. His gaze drew at the large field, nothing but full of 'Phòs' in lines ,listening to the dictator in front of them.The rolling clouds of an upcoming storm rolled in from their south as the Militias stomped their feet in a synchronized manner whilst wearing their Gas mask replaced with glass lines which should be two rounded circled eye cover."This'll be a great timing Mr. Skevslov" Vega came out as well whilst peering through the skies " a great timing to spread fear hahaha" he chuckled as he continued.Dean squinted his eyes whilst brushing Vega's words.The dictator in white suit--in front of the Phos' finished his ceremony and turned his gaze towards Dean whilst the Phos turned their gaze as well. "Mr. Thanatos will lead our victory" as the dictator motioned towards Dean from the field.

Dean sighed and glared at Vega who gave him an encouraging smile "Youre our top here and we know youll provide the needs of our mission." Dean sprinted towards the corridor and spinned whilst jumping on the pole and flooring his feet on the roof whilst looking at the phos' .He lifted his left arm as a sign then for an instance the Phos fished out their long like sword weapon synchronized,and lifted their feets and made their way out of their campus.Dean watched at the approaching Phos from the roof whilst he takes out the papers he received from Vega.His eyes scanned the content of it and nodded whilst he folded out the papers and stuffed it in his pocket.When the last group of Phos' ran out he fishes out the same sword whilst he smirked ."If my sister isnt involved here,you know we'll both fight against them brother..you,me and Aiko..." he whispered.Then he brought out the same gas mask ,and wore it to his head whilst the light illuminating the line glass flickered and lightened it.He jumped from the roof and landed on the ground without any injuries and made his way towards the campus exit "I'll find You...I'll find You..Brendon........"

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