12/03/2016 11:54 p.m.

The moon emanated from the clouds covering it,like a dying bulb out of electricity. The street ate it's own silence whilst the dripping of a red liquid---blood continually appeared in my ears.The 5'11 man in front of me looked at me placidly as he slowly bent his knees to approach me with his blood covered face and his almost blood soaked weaponry that shone from the corner of my left eye. He smirked and lend his right hand .The disgust and the sickening feeling ran in circles inside my mind as my glare from his hand ascended on his pale blood covered face."W-who a-are you?" my voice voluntarily responded. Brendon smirked and returned his oferring hand ,"I am Alexander,Brendon Alexander".He stood up and turned his back whilst looking at the sword he's holding,then for an instance he made a maniacal disturbing laugh,the laugh of someone who got what he wants. I slowly stood up whilst Ilooking at the carnage in front of me .His frame is shaking from his gelastic actions,my eyes caught the bloodied weaponry from my side then for a moment I thought that I might wanna stab his back ,but my instincts shook me and I decided to lift my feet up and run away from this madness,I glared back at him ,whilst his silhouette is looking at my direction.

I ran as fast as I could ,as fast as my feet could,and as far as I could away from him.......My thoughts are racing, hitting every wall of it,leaving a rotting disturbing paranoia inside me......The teacher I was talking with past couple of hours....the teacher I'm envious with.....is nothing but a sword wielding freak....I glared back and the darkness already consumed my Eyes' limit of vision from that Street..I hear nothing but the stomp of my shoes against the rough surface of the road and the panting of My breaths........The dread and misery that started encoiling my insides are leaving a growing pain against my spine and an unexplainable torturous cold pain pierced my back as I lose my balance and kneeled on the rough road...Then for an instance the pain disappeared like a wind...I quickly shot a glance from my back to check if the guy in bloody suit I recently escaped from ,is following me,the guy or the teacher im admiring despite the envious feelings I harbor towards him.....nothing,not a single sing of life..just an empty alley being illuminated by the dense of a midnight atmosphere of the moon....I sighed and ran my bloody hands across my scalp,ignoring the blood covering my hair and the fact that my smooth ankle is being scratched by the rough pointy texture of the road......I fell silent for a moment and a wave of shock washes the despair and desolation inside me...

"That's way too easy Ms. Hajime." A spine cracking voice pierced my ears. My low gazed eyes turned eyes wide shut when the familiar voice appeared on my both ears. My head voluntarily ascended to see the man in brown khaki pants and blue long sleeves covered in blood and the pale blood covered face. My dried lips trembled, my arms felt numb,whilst my feet were stoned on where I was kneeling.. He smirked and shook his head,"It took you 15 minutes running away and I was like –" ,he bit his lip whilst tantalizing his gaze,"- 15 seconds away from you" he smirked. I felt a growing fear with the fact that he can slash my neck in a swift second without any hesitation. My numb feet felt the circulation of my blood again and I managed to move my feet ,then for a split second,I quickly got up from my kneel and I rummaged towards him and saw the shine of the knife on his holster, He didn't moved and allowed me to steal the knife from his holster,then for a moment I found myself pointing the sharp edge of the knife few inches away from his left eye.He looked at the knife and drifted his gaze on me. He sighed and threw away the sword he's holding ..."okay...I will let you do your bidding since I recklessly introduced you to what you will encounter.." I felt a rushing of anger inside me,on the fact that hes like trying to put a cross against my head.

I quickly sprinted over him and swung the knife at him ,slash!slash!stab!slash!stab! I backed my right foot away and attacked him again slashing my weaponry at him in every direction ,just to make sure my knife will be covered with his blood. I continued doing this for longer and after I found myself getting hungry for air,I paused,then an insulting laugh came from him.He was standing at the top of a block and gelastically laughing..The anger grew. "ahahahahhaah I was watching you for 5 minutes slashing through nothing and after you started attacking me Im already sitting here trying not to laugh at you!" he mockingly scrutinized me.He jumped down from the block and walked near me,whilst he snatched the knife from my hands faster than a blink. "Don't try to put someone in their fate you've just imagined, someone who already felt the darkness" He silently opened his mouth and shot his words at me,then he whispered in my ears "Someone who already heard the unimaginable screams of 'them' who're pleading for their lives,but ended up being nothing but sack of flesh". The inhuman tone of his voice and the peeking 2 horned small red entity behind his eyes are showing me how dangerous the person im talking to. His placid expression dissolved in the curving of his lips upward and the gentle tone of his face reverted back.

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