12/08/2016  7:19 p.m.

Mother please forgive me
I just had to get out all my pain and suffering
Now that I am done, remember I will always love you
I'm your.....

The voice is audible in choir tone, as I look at the bulb lightened corridor 4 meters away from me and my mom's corpse. After 3 seconds of chaos inside of this sick mind of mine, a bass line of a guitar crawled in my ears  endlessly, running from the B major chord and E major.  Then, the bulb that's emanating from the wall outside of this room flickered slowly.... I felt my sight turning dark and my mind's reeling from the rolls of this pain. My gaze descended on my Mom lying down on my lap, mouth open, pale skin , eyes wide open and blood across her face. I looked around the room, noticing the oddness of its color. The gut chunks were scattered around  the bloodied bed, blood painted the wall on my back, Hell came for me as my mouth opened to release the screams of anger, sorrow, guilt. Insanity. The smell of blood, the smell of limbs and flesh.. the smell of macabre, carved a smile on the two corners of my lips. After a snap, I poked my brain and hit my left temple with the hard part of my hand under my palm as my eyes grew bigger and my teeth clenches. Killing is fun- NO. To kill is to live,  something triggered the gelastic laughs inside of me. A laugh of satisfaction.

As soon as I prepared to stand up and clean the mess I have made and as I'm about to head downstairs, scratches against the windows outside is heard. I bent my neck to approach the sound, but the plain of nothing faced me. I blinked and bent my neck to continue and as soon as I face my front , Mom's standing on front of me. Her face is almost mutilated , her eye sockets are hanging down on her cheeks, her right cheek bone is chunked , and her head is bending towards my face. She quickly raised her hand, and slapped my face.. The painful slap made me held my cheek and close my eyes for a couple of seconds. When I tried to gather the courage to face her again, she's gone. I then looked back at her corpse lying down on the floor covered in blood near the bed.  My eyes squinted and my mouth started to curl up as tears welled from my eyes again. As I'm about to drag my feet towards her again. Someone knocked hardly on the door downstairs. I breathed slowly and pulled the courage lying on the back of my stomach.

My feet trembled as I helped myself walk down the stairs, trembling from the mess that pitted me in this situation. I stood myself against the right stair handle, leaving a trail of blood on it. As soon as I faced the locked front door, I twisted and pulled the knob clockwise and found myself staring at a person-less front door. I then locked the door and ignored it thinking it was just my own disturbed and destroyed mind playing tricks with me. I twisted my body and turned around , and found a man standing at the side of the wall near the kitchen peeking at me with a teeth shown smile. The sudden chills shook me and for a second , the lights flickered and the same man appeared on my front several inches away from my face. "Why don't you just fucking die?" my voice rasped out of anger and sorrow. His facial expression turned sarcastically sympathetic and quickly evaporated to a joyful tone . "aw, I'm so sorry, Ms. Hajime, but shit should fuck you and that's inevi-fucking-table.".

He raised his eyebrows  and smiled gleefully. My face turned like a lime and felt the underlying malice of decapitating this fucker. I took the vase from my side, smashed the upper part and proceeded to use the point of it on him. He effortlessly grabbed my wrist and threw me towards the chair. I rolled against the floor but quickly found the strength to pull the gun, taped under the coffee table . The trigger involuntarily hugged my finger as I aim the crosshairs on his head, pulled it twice as the recoil temporarily stopped me from the quick chambering of the pistol.

He dodged the bullets without an effort in millisecond movements , in a superhuman like actions, faster than a spider about to save itself from danger. The screams at the top of my lungs collided with the eruption of the pistol fires. He then dodged the last bullet and proceeded to kick me straight uppercut against my jaw. I felt the excruciating pain as I choked blood from the breaking of my tooth. But the pain that stabbed me emotionally is a lot more painful than this. I gazed at him and tried to hit him with the pistol, but failed from his sudden pulling of my arm. He lift me upwards with it and slammed me on the hard floor.  A sting of pain then crawled my back as it slowly crept up, the pain turned worse, then worst and worst than the worst. I kneeled and faced him. " don't try to fuck up , Ms. Hajime. You can't never bring death to the death.". Tears crawled down my face again and realized where I'm standing on.

"Mom.." My voice reacted in a hoarse whisper. He laughed in breathless tone "Mom?" he continued laughing, bringing the stench smell of mockery. "Mom is dead. Her mutilated corpse is up there." he crumpled his smug face while raising his eyes symbolizing the room where my mom is. "Please stop. Stop. J-just kill me and end this fucking misery." my plead found it's path inside my head. He nodded sidewards and looked at me . "My apologies Ms. Hajime. But it looks like the overconfidence has ridden you. " said his voice. He continued as he looked me straight at my eyes , "Your mom's dead. How would you like to end this?". The anger of the underlying pain beneath my brain is protruding obviously at the reflection of tears that plagued my eyes. My gaze at him was nothing but the lust of murdering him and dismembering him to pieces. "Death?" he stood up and produced a hidden sword at his back. The hope of him slashing my neck quickly chambered itself, this is my last escape, death. "Shall I pierced this down your throat and see it pierce out your brain? Oh wait, maybe I can slowly dismember you and crush you to pieces." He continued. "Oh no. What was I thinking. Why would I even kill that scum who shall face the fate worse than death?". He held me by my shirt and lifted me up.

"Listen, piece of fuck, I don't think myself as a King, nor a god. I more likely call myself as a fucking death. And you know that Death is death and that's period." His nodding smiles with that owl eye like face of him sent creeps and paranoia on me . He pushed me down and continued "Your mother's dead, murdered by you. You're one sick bastard too, aren't ya?". "Do you honestly think that the police will listen to you? Do you think they will help you now? No." he whispered the last word. "They'll just simply put you in that jail full of fuckheads and watch you get fucking raped, since no ears will listen for someone who's covered in blood in a murder scene." He whispered for the second time. My gaze leveled at his eyes, and as he look at me longer, he made a smile. "Welcome child, Welcome to my world." He fished out his sword and hit me on the head with it.

7:28 p.m.

"No Ma'am- No , don't shout. I—" the reasoning of none other than the stressed out Yuriko was suddenly cut out by the obvious 'You're fired' action from her manager. She held her forehead as she ascends her hand across her scalp. She was just recently hired from that job as a Desk clerk, she thought that she can already give the compensation from losing her previous job. But it seems world has turned away from her. Her tuition in her school is already knocking at her door, the bills she ignored last month, The grief that enveloped  her  from the tragic accident that took her family's life. Life is just stretching its arms for Yuriko, but it seems that even the world was confused. Despite how painful her situation is, Yuriko never hesitated to proceed on what she's desiring to do. That's a one thing she cant never change, the optimism... She held her head up and drifted her gaze at  her phone. The triggered memories inside of her, pulled the two corners of her lips upward. She knows that without this girl whom she loved more than anything , she will never get through this. She tried hiding it, but everytime she tried gathering her courage to tell it on her bestfriend, she will lose the confidence. Sayaka never knew how she loves her More than what she knows they are. Her face, her angel like face. Her slim naked body when she saw her taking a shower, how she sleeps with that pouty lips of her.

Then from the pit of her stomach, lies a growing pain of paranoia. She hadn't talked to her bestfriend for the past 9 days. Questions corrupted her. How she wished to be at her side forever, so she can take care of her, love her and comfort her. She then switched her gaze on her phone to the front door of her small apartment. She jumped from her seat and reached out for her phone, sliding her finger at the lockscreen of it and rummaged through the messaging app. She tapped the letters of the virtual keyboard in excitement . 'hon, how are you?"," youre not leaving a message anymore ","hey, I miss you Ms. Fancypants..." She plagued her 'Sent Boxes' with messages of worry. She then sighed and laid her phone carelessly on the armchair. She thought she may want to wait for the message of Sayaka before proceeding to call her...
10 minutes of excessive anxiety, and  the anticipation of the sound of the notification from Yuriko's phone has only caused an agonized waiting for her. She tried sending a message telling her that she's sick worried already. She decided to give another 10 minutes, still nothing, then another three 15 minutes, summing up to an hour and 5 minutes, still , no answer. She knows that Sayaka has her eyes on her phone without removing it for minutes. She started to grow weary due to the silence from her friend. She went to her kitchen and drowned herself with a full pitch of water, tried sitting at the kitchen chair and focus, ate the five 1 day old chocolate bars she bought from the grocery, sat back at the sofa and tried surfing the internet on her laptop, but the worrying of her was not depleted, it even grew worse. She finally gave up and shifted her gaze at the closet fixed at her bedroom. Rummaging through her two door closet and pulling the gray sweatshirt her uncle had gave her on her 14th birthday, As soon as she inserted her arms into it and her body, her phone left a message notification. She jumped and almost tripped at the half worn pants below her knee and snatched the phone. Her eyes quickly scanned the lightened screen and touched the message,

"Yuri  , I am so sorry I haven't left you any message. How are you?" Sayaka's message plagued Yuriko's eyes with tears. The worrying, even for a dot has been depleted. She ran her palm to wipe the tears from her eyes. She quickly typed her message and sighed a relief. She's trying her best not to think of any bad thoughts that might have happened on her friend. She cannot handle it. Of course she can't, for Sayaka is the only one greasing the gears of her mind, to prevent it from rusting. She is the only one whom she calls her "everything". A smile evaporated from her lips, as she read through the text

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2022 ⏰

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