"When the Lord your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations-the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites, seven nations larger and stronger than you- and when the Lord your God has delivered them over to you and you have defeated them, then you must destroy them totally.Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy." - Deuteronomy 7:1-2

12/02/? 5:53 p.m.

"They might find you here" as the man on a rocking chair said in a husky and British tone. The Dark room covered in cutted boards and nails made a disturbing and hope loosing view.Then there comes the man on a chair next to the large dining table who shoned his eyeglass with his phone while he forced a smirk, "You never really learned anything,Henry." as he pushed the power button of his phone and slided his finger on the screen to unlock it."You just kept on underestimating me Henry,ever since I met you, you kept on berating my deeds and my actions,despite the art I'm giving it. " he bent his head sideward, whilst playing the fire on the candle that was only lit up and the only source of hope in a ghost like dusk place.
Then another voice came out from the corner where an old antique sofa is placed."What you are doing is an art,don't be discouraged my child,you should be proud of yourself" he came out, with a face of a 45 year old man,a mustache is covering his lips and that long scar on his face,then he lit up a tobacco on his mouth and blew a handful of smoke. "The child must be trained,Monroe! And you shall be banished! "the man on the rocking chair--Henry scrutinized --Monroe."Stop, this isn't the time for mouth fights "the guy with a cellphone,who's sitting on the chair next to the table interrupted. "I have a plan and a really good plan" he stood up whilst pushing his eyeglass to fix it."TARGET!!!!!!!!!!" a voice from the outside in a megaphone was heard,then a handful of police cars rolled in and 2 helicopters armed with heavy artilleries covered the house with their huge halogen floodlights.

"THIS IS THE POLICE,WE COVERED YOU 360,THERES NO WAY OUT FOR YOU MR. GONER!!" as the police in megaphone forced the inhabitants of that house to come out.The guy glared at the small cracked window where he saw the police covering all the possible exit of the house 'they're' hiding in. "damn" he hissed through his teeth as he rolled his index and middle finger on his knife in a holster,whilst smirking with a delighted expression, "heh,they want more blood to spill out, well then lets spill out some for them" as he pulled out the knife in his pocket.The police' in hazmat suits formed a circle around the house from the entrance encircling The house up to the back exit,whistl covering the 2nd floor windows with 30 snipers ready to pull their trigger once someone comes out.Then the 2 helicopters will back up the police' encircling the house with 4 heavy miniguns attached on the choppers."I know you're looking outside,too scared to come out huh?after you murdered those innocent lives,you're not coming out?let's see"the mad officer with the megaphone called out for the guy who is wanted.Then the officer whispered to the other officer who's handling the SWAT officials,

"On the count of 3 if he didn't come out send the officials inside" ,the SWAT officer nodded.Then the mad officer shouted at The top of his lungs on The megaphone "ONE!...." the police' and the SWATs prepared,no one comes out "TWO!.." still.. "THREE!!!!." the SWATs in the front door banged and forcely opened the front door,30 swats came in.The Mad officer in megaphone,smiles while waving his head and telling: "finally after the sacrifice of our 10 men, its time for him to suffer from those crimes he committed"."Too bad for him he's surround----- gunfires and screams were heard inside the house BLAM!!BLAM!BLAM!! then blood curdling screams were heard again,then for one instance the front door locked alarming the other swats and police' ,whilst preparing their guns.

The SWAT officer looked at the mad police officer,however he was only answered by a raise of his left hand,then he smiled cheerfully, "the scream of his agony,yes,the scream I wanna hear the pain I wanna hear from him,"."Sir,let's send the other officials and see what happen-- NO! cant you hear they already pierced their hundreds of bullets on him?" he interrupted the swat officer from sending the other officials inside.Then they noticed a red liquid comes out from the door,for instance, they thought its something but no.... BLOOD. Then the front door swung open and more blood comes out. Then a piece of flesh was thrown outside from inside the house, then an amputated arm then a pair eyes then a tongue, the officers watched in horror as the macabre happens.Then a bucket of blood was thrown out,whilst the guy came out as well,holding his bloody knife while dragging the severed head of a police officer from his left hand.Several of the police officers vomited from the happenings while others were shocked,then the guy smiled while wiping the blood on his cheek."CATCH!!!!!!!!! " he threw the severed head at the police couple of yards away from him.The mad police officer felt a sudden vision of black,then he shouted "KILL THAT MOTHER FUCKER!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs,whilst the police and the SWATs fired their guns at the guy. The guy quickly picked up two corpses of police and used it as human shields while he ran towards the police car,then he quickly slashed 3 police' neck whistl blood gushed out.Then he quickly opened the police car and smirked while he drifted the wheels and escaped from the scene.

The mad police officer waved his head while he walks slowly towards the car and radioed the headquarters,someone picked up the phone and waited for him,he forced his dry throat, and said"The target has escaped, declare a manhunt.


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