Behind the Psycho's Mask

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“Tut tut tut…where are you going Kiki?” my bottom lip trembled as he came closer to me. “N...No...Nowhere” I stuttered. “A…ah…ah don’t lie to me” I saw a glint of anger flash across his face.

Kiki’s POV

He quickly calmed himself and moved closer “im sorry if I freaked you out but I really don’t want you to leave” he said sweetly. I moved back into my seat thinking about how my planned failed, this guy must be psycho or something  I thought as I looked over watching him pour himself a drink .He is not that bad looking actually that’s an understatement he is absolutely gorgeous… ughh I mentally slapped myself how could I be thinking about my kidnapper like that.  I zoned back into reality and realized that he was staring at me “you really are beautiful” he said as he stroked the side of my face. I hit his hand away quickly “Mmmm feisty I like it” he said as he smirked and went back to the top gear magazine he was reading earlier.

The journey only lasted another 5 minutes for that I was glad but the only thing that was on my mind was that im being KIDNAPPED!! I wanted to call Jake but I knew that ‘troy’ would not allow that. Why is this happening to me I thought as the car stopped, Troy got out the car and came over to my side and opened the door but I wouldn’t let him have the satisfaction of opening the door for me so I shoved the door open roughly and to my luck it hit him right in the stomach, I did a small happy dance in my head, he may be kidnapping me but that doesn’t mean I have to make it easy for him. He doubled over in pain as I walked past with my head held high.

My eyes widened at the house in front of me, no house is an understatement this was a fricken mansion. “You like what you see, you have to any way cause you are going to be staying here for a while” Troy said as he brushed past me. God that arrogant jerk I wish I could just

…just…just “ aghhh” I screamed as I stormed of into the house oh wait sorry MANSION ! Its not like I could go anywhere I mean this place was in the middle of absolutely nowhere.

As I walked into the house I was greeted by a heavenly smell however an unsightly view also came with it. Troy was sitting at a table that was laid out with every food you could think of. “I wasn’t sure what type of food you like so I asked the cook to make everything” he gave me a warm smile and gestured for me to sit on the chair next to him.

Anger washed through me who does this guy think he is? Does he think that he can just waltz into my life kidnap me and then pretend that every thing’s normal? I don’t think so and with that last thought I stormed up the stairs even though I didn’t know where I was going any where was better than being in the same room as that arrogant jerk. I turned around to see if he was following me but my eyes only saw a face full of pain and sorrow I thought I was imagining things until he lifted his head and stared deep into me, his eyes told a story; a story of hurt, betrayal and love. I looked away quickly as I couldn’t bear to look at him anymore, he reminded me so much of Jake, for some reason I felt like running up to him and holding him I wanted to take all the pain away. A tear slipped down my cheek as I thought of Jake and what happened maybe I should call him.

I wondered down a very long hallway looking for a decent room but all I came across was large rooms full of paintings, canvases and drawings. I wonder who did this I thought as I picked up a large painting of a girl crying, it was amazing the emotions were just flowing out of it, it made me want to cry but I was distracted by a person coughing behind me. “I see you found my paintings”. 

I am sorry that i havent updated in a while there are no excuses but i promise that i will update again within the next week ... thanks for reading guys dont forget to VOTE and COMMENT !!

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