Revelations part 1

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*back to after Kiki wakes up and Troy persuades her to give Jake another chance*

Kiki's POV

After the heart-warming conversation with Troy I decided to look for Jake. I heard some rattling in one of the rooms downstairs. I swear you can hear everything in this house. I slowly made my way downstairs carefully treading, praying that I don't fall considering the klutz that I am. I followed the sounds and ended up in one of the most exquisite kitchens I have ever seen. There standing with his back to me was Jake. I did g know what to say so I just stood there in silence. All that could be heard was the sound of the knife slicing through the carrots and hitting the board quite disturbing if you ask me. Luckily the awkwardness was interrupted " I know my arse is perfect but there's no need for you to stare at it all day" I could just picture that annoying smirk plastered on his face.

He turned around and I took in his appearance; dark circles round his eyes, scruffy, unbrushed hair and stubble lots of stubble. He looked like he hasn't slept for days. "Well??" He questioned ,still with the same smirk may I add, as I stood there staring.

"I um wanted to talk to you..." I fidgeted with my fingers as I gathered up the courage to talk to him about everything that's happened. "I wanted to talk to you about what happened at the hotel, actually I was hoping that you would do more of the talking and explain why you rejected me that's if you want to. No ones forcing you hehe." I giggled nervously waiting for a response.

His stance broke down and he pulled out a stool, sat down and put in his head in his hands. " where do I start Kiki, I know you must of got the wrong impression, the wrong end of the stick. I never meant for you too feel rejected, i was the one who felt like you needed more, deserved more and you do. I though I wasn't good enough for you and I didn't want it to go any further. I'm sorry." He buried his head into hands even more.

"What about the time you said you needed to talk? Weren't you going to tell me to leave? To tell me that you didn't like me any more??" I was nearly in tears at this point. Guess what he chuckled, he actually chuckled.

"Haha are you serious Kiki do you think I wanted you to leave, that I don't like you any more. If anything I've probably fallen harder for you."he stated as he slowly walked over to me a d backed my up against the kitchen unit.

Our faces were inches apart as he wiped the stray tear from my cheek.

"Could you be any more beautiful?" He whispers under his breath as he brought his face closer and closer to mine. Our breaths mingling and his scent overtaking my senses.

Our lips barely touching each other then......

Sorry for the cliffhanger have to go.

Bye my hunnies xxx

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