Will he tell.....

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“I want you sweetheart” I heard his voice turn serious..


A knot formed in my stomach I didn’t know how to reply… “Kiki are you still there hello I LOVE YOU I always have please answer Me.” he shouted through the phone. What did he expect me to say, that I wanted him to, that I loved him heck I haven’t even had a proper boyfriend before. I slammed the phone shut and threw it across the room with such force that it shattered. It hit the lamp and crashed to the ground. The lamp shattered into a million pieces.

 The door swung open Jake stumbled in “ what the hell was that” he asked looking at the shards of glass on the floor. I looked at him shocked not wanting to tell him anything my eyes brimmed with tears. I couldn’t hold it in anymore I am sitting in a hotel room with a guy that I barely know and my best friend just told me he loved me could things get any worse.

Jake walked over to me calmly he wrapped his hands around me and pulled me into hug I wanted to pull away still angry that he pulled away before but my body didn’t want to. We sat there for a long time holding eachother i wanted that moment to last forever but i knew deep inside that we could never be together because we were just to different but a part of me hoped that we could put our differences aside. 

my thoughts were interupted by Jake shuffling, he put his hand on my chin and lifted it up just enough so that i could look into his eyes, we stared at eachother for a moment, i got completely lost in his deep blue eyes. He leaned in closer, our lips brushed gently a tingly feeling ran through my body i realised just how close we were. he stoped just before my lips almost as if asking for permission. i quickly accepted and crashed my lips to his. He sucked on my bootom lip asking for enterance i granted him acess and he slipped his tounge in a massaged mine. He taste ,so sweet, like strawberries dipped in chocolate i couldnt get enough i tangled my hands in his hair and pulled him closer but even for him that was not enough. i put my leg on the other side of him so i was straddleing him.

He ran his cold fingers across my stomach leaving trails of fire, i crept my fingers under his t-shirt and stroked his abs he moaned against my lips. i pushed forward so we were now laying down on the bed, me on top. we kissed passionatley until we both wanted to go further so he turned us around so he was on top he looked into my eyes. He had a confused expression on his face like he didnt know what to do next. he got off me slowly and started mumbling something. the cold hit me like a bat on a ball but my attention was drawn to a pacing Jake who was walking up and down the room.

"Kiki i need to tell you something.." he said worringly...oh no this cant be good he doesnt sound too happy.

so what do you think guys please comment. what do you think he will say and what will Kiki's reaction be wait and find out... xxx :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

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