Chapter 4

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Kyle and I closed the door of the shop. Giving me one last glance for the day he turned around and walked the other direction. Well since Kyle went home it's time for me to go home. Now when we are talking about home... How the fudge am I getting home?! Did Kendra even think about how I would get home? I guess not. Perfect, I'm left alone all by myself. What if a pedophile comes? What if someone rapes me? Calm down you're just scaring yourself, but then again I can't calm down! What if someone actually rapes me? Oh chicken you're getting paranoid. Looking around my eyes widen when I see a guy walking towards me. Ohmygodness he is going to rape me, no kill me! What have I done? I did him nothing wrong. I look around trying to find something to hit him with. When I find nothing I start praying instead. He comes closer and closer at last he is just a few inches from me. God is with me as said. I look at the man all ready but he just walks past me.

Oh really?. I start laughing, ohmygodness he was just walking and I started freaking out. I bend down clutching my stomach while laughing. I can be so stupid sometimes.

Oh yes you can, my inner voice says.

You just killed the mood, I said.

Yes that stupid mood just killed my mood because right after that stupid comment I stopped laughing.

What am I even doing? I'm not even thinking about how to get home. Taking out my phone I see that I have a message from Kendra. Entering my pin for my phone I open the message then I read it. So Kendra didn't forget how I should get home after all. She had written the directions carefully so that I could understand it.

Walking to the nearest bus station I take the bus Kendra told me to. I get on the bus then take a seat. I start playing with my phone and soon enough I'm the one going off. I got off the bus and started walking the way Kendra told me to. Soon enough I saw Kendra's house. I walked up the porch then knocked on the door. Kendra opened the door a big smile on her face.

"You found your way home"

"Obviously" I said rolling my eyes.

"Mrs. Evans called me she told me that she had met you at the shop and invited us for dinner. Do you know what this means? If everything goes well I'll maybe get higher pay. And if you get together with her son then-"

"Get together with whut?! Her son? Forget it not in a million years Kendra" I almost shouted. Kendra rolled her eyes.

"You barely know him, I'm sure you haven't even met him"

"Then you're sure wrong because I have met him besides he has a girlfriend. And probably many more" I said the last bit in a whisper hoping Kendra didn't hear me.

"He does?" Kendra asked her eyebrows furrowed.

"Oh yes he does, I remember. He is dating no other than Brooke Mitchell she is like the prettiest girl here" My sister said looking at me with a sympathetic look.

"Oh" I just answer.

"But hey, you're also pretty you'll get him in a flash" Kendra says trying to make me feel better.

"Did I ever say I wanted him? No I didn't and I don't want him either, besides he's weird and he probably hates me" I answered.

"What do you mean?" Kendra asked confused.

"I mean can you let me in? Why am I even standing here?" I asked.

Kendra stuck out her tongue then stepped out of the door way to let me in. I walked in, taking of my converse I went into the kitchen. Opening the freezer and taking out some ice cream I walked to the island counter then took a seat.

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