Chapter 12

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 Hitting Kendra on her arm as hard as possible while she was struggling to get me off of her my phone started ringing. I just huffed and continued to do what I started. 

"You think this is funny?" I hissed between gritted teeth. 

"You think it's funny? You knew fully well my relationship with Tristan and you know that I hate running! You know I hate sports! You know I hate waking up in the morning but you know what? I actually tried doing the best out of it but you keep on throwing shit my way! I'm not doing it you better resign that stupid thing!" I said - okay maybe not said more like yelled and I had to say it took a lot of energy from me because I was panting and trying to catch my breath after my little rant. 

"As much as I want to say no I don’t think it's funny I can't because I 

 think it's hilarious and about the resign thing it's not happening I have my reasons why I can't do it and if you're thinking about doing it yourself - good luck" She said giving me one of her amusing grins. At this moment I could throw a shoe at her but I kept my temper. My phone made a ringing sound once again and I angrily searched through my bag for it, after 1 minute of searching I gave up. I'd do it later. 

"I hate you" I gave in defeated. 

"Does that mean you're actually going to do it?" She questioned amused. 

"I never said I would, I said I hate you. What's it in for me?" I snapped back at her crossing my arms over my chest in a childish manner. Ye let me 

"You get the chance to be with Tristan-" 

"Kendra. Seriously he has a girlfriend" I cut in giving her a hard hit on her arm again. 

"That never stopped you before. Wait you mean if he didn't have a girlfriend you'd actually go for him?" 


"Right. Anyways you get the chance to become fit-" 

"I think I'm fit enough" I said stubbornly. I have no problem with my body. Yes maybe I have some fat here and there on my belly but hey who doesn't? Unless you're a Victoria secret model or a training freak which I'm none of. 

"I wasn't done though and if you come in a place of the 50 first girls I'll send you money each month when you go back home" She finished off. I starred at her thinking over the offer. Money? That's a strong subject here, like that's my first priority; with money I can buy food, clothes and more food. But I had enough money I mean I was the only child back at home now why would I need her money? 

"What more and how much money exactly?" I said in a business like voice. 

"What more do you need? and why should I tell you how much I'm sending you? Talk about being greedy huh?" 

"Well then I'm not doing it" I replied. Lifting my left leg in a sign of getting of Kendra I stopped in mid air when she desperately tried to convince me once again. 

"Wait I'll be you're slave for one month and you can ask for one favor and it can be whatever" She almost convinced. 

"By the time that competition is over I'll already be making my way back home" I stated. 

"Well I'll be going back with you and stay with you guys for six months" Kendra explained. My face contorted into a glare. 

"You're telling me this now? Really" I shook my head. Too much on one day, way to much. 

"Isn't it obvious that I am?" She snapped back. 

"Now get off me" She hissed trying to get me off her once again. 

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