chapter 8

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We were all sitting on the sand glancing at each other nervously – except Corinne and Brooke that were grinning like crazy. I took a deep breath and looked down. As long as I don’t have to kiss anyone I’ll be okay. I looked up only to be met by Tristan’s questioning gaze.

“Okay so you all know how to play truth or dare right?” Brooke asked looking at each one of us but it felt like she asked the question to me.

“And we all know that our kind of truth or dare is crazy” She continued. I swallowed. This doesn’t sound good at all.

Maybe that’s because it ain’t good,


“And that there is no backing out either” She finished of glancing my way; this of course made me swallow harder. Maybe I shouldn’t be doing this?  Ye I’ll back out.

“I don’t think I want to do this, I mean I don’t know what kind of rules you’re playing at” I said nervously.

Everyone raised their eyebrows in a questioning manner making me swallow harder… if possible.

“In other words you mean you don’t dare to do this and you’re afraid of what you’re going to have to do then again you’re a sissy” Tristan replied smirking.

What’s that douche bags problem anyways?

“Uhm… no as I said I don’t know what kind of rules you guys play by”

“It’s easy you do what you got to do and no backing out” He answered casually still wearing that stupid smirk of his.

“Right but I still think I’ll watch, you know and see how you guys play” I said glaring at him. I knew exactly what he was doing and I was not going to give in.

“I dare you to play with us or are you a sissy?” He taunted, his eyes was holding a mischievous look and his lips pulled upwards. Ah what a heck I won’t give him the satisfaction of me not playing I’m in. I glared at him making sure to hold an intimidating look.

“I’m in Evans”

“Thought so” He said smugly. Oh that son of a beautiful woman.

“Right so let’s get started” Corinne exclaimed.

She fished out a bottle and laid it on the sand. She also took out a bottle of vodka and laid it beside her. My eyes widened and narrowed at the vodka. Why is there Vodka right beside her? She even took out a packet off egg and placed it on the other side of her. What have I gotten myself into? One thing’s for sure I’m not drinking that bottle of alcohol liquid.

“Um why is there Vodka beside you?” I asked her stunned.

“What you don’t drink?” Janna asked amused.

“No do you guys?” I asked.

“Well except Ella, Tristan and Nathan yes as a matter of fact we do” Janna answered.

I nodded. At least I’m not the only one not drinking alcohol.

Brooke bent over and spun the bottle. As long as it doesn’t land on me I’m perfectly fine – And it didn’t.

“Truth or Dare” Brooke asked.

Ella glanced around then said:

“Truth” Everyone groaned, well everyone except me.

“Don’t be a dare pooper come on be fun” Corinne whined which only made Ella raise her eyebrow.

“Then I’ll be a dare pooper. Truth.” She flatly said. All the more reasons to like her.

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