chapter 10

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"So... Are you like going to get off?" He asked uncomfortably turning his head to face me.

"Right" I said climbing of him and moving to sit on one corner. I'd rather sit as far away as possible. He glared at me, the way he always did when I got on his nerves which made my eyebrows knit together.

"How much do you weigh anyways?" He commented.

"Funny, now how do we get out of here?" I asked. He gave me a questioning look which made frown in return.

"You seriously think I know the answer to that question? I never take elevators because of this, in fact I'm terrified of them but then I made an exception since we're in a penthouse which must have good security but fate never seizes to surprise me and you're asking me how we'll get out of here?" His voicing rising by each word leaving his mouth and soon he was shouting. I could tell that he was getting frustrated by this and kind of scared to but me being me just had to make a comment, so I opened my stupid mouth and said;

"You're terrified of elevators?" Then I had to make a stupid sound that sounded a lot like laughing in which I earned a stone cold glare.

"You seem to be really good at mocking me aye?" He snapped turning aggravated all of a sudden. If I was confused before I sure as chicken was lost right now. This dude seemed get mad by everything that left my mouth and I didn't even know why. He seemed to hate me for no reason and now he was even accusing me? I don't even recall mocking him before, maybe I'd done it once or twice but being good at it, it's like he's saying I've been mocking him his whole life.

"Excuse me but what are you on about?" He rolled his eyes and ran his fingers through his light blonde hair.

"You have no clue do you?" He said looking at me as if I was some hopeless puppy.

"No I actually don't, mind telling me?" I asked slowly keeping my eyes firmly locked with his. His eyes softened slightly and then turned cold again.

"No" He replied curtly keeping his cold eyes on my confused ones.

"Would you at least mind telling me why you hate me for no possible reason?" I asked.

"I have my reasons" He retorted. I raised one of my eyebrows in a questioning manner.



"What what? What do you mean what? Tell me what your reasons are! Tell me what the heaven you are on about! You're confusing me! Stop being so frustrating!" I ended up yelling at him. He was making me frustrated. Why wasn't he just telling me why he disliked me so much - no hated me so much?

He just gave me this blank look, this blank stare. So blank and dull I wanted to scream at him, scream at him for being so complicated, and scream at him for being so frustrating.

"You like getting worked up for no particular reason" He stated still staring at me with that blank gaze. I opened my mouth to disagree with him but he beat me to it.

"Call Brooke" He demanded.

"You didn't answer my question why -"

"I said call Brooke" He snapped. My eyes widened and I nodded silently. Pulling out my phone I searched for Brooke's number before pressing call.


"Hi Brooke would you mind asking the people in the receptio -"

"Reception? Which reception" She answered. Then it hit me, Brooke wasn't at the party.

"She isn't at the party remember?" I turned around to tell Tristan but he just nodded his head.

"Give me the phone" He commanded reaching his hand out in a gesture for me to give him the phone.

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