Chapter 7

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“What?” Tristan and I exclaimed. She must be kidding me right? What am I even going to do at the beach? Oh gosh I don’t have that beach body and I can’t get it in one day! Do I still have my baby fat? Gosh my legs are maybe to la-

“Hang out with us? At the beach? Tomorrow?” Brooke said slowly.


“Come on it’ll be fun” Brooke whined.

Tristan shook his head eagerly. What’s his problem?

“She’s lying it won’t be fun you can stay at home” Brooke gave him a perplexed look and he returned it with an innocent smile. He stared at me challenging me to answer. I averted my gaze and turned to Brooke instead. I really don’t want to go but somehow Tristan not wanting me to attend made me want to come so I shaped a huge smile on my face and answered:

“Sure, I’ll come” Brooke’s lips pulled sideways and parted to reveal perfect white teeth. How can you not be fond of this girl? She was even kind! Oh how I wish I had those teeth. Tristan gave me a bitter gaze then began eating again.

“Perfect, I’ll text you the time tomorrow”

Text me the time? Those that mean she wants my number and wants to be my friend?!

Of course not silly! Who wants to be your friend?

Shut up.

Tristan’s head bobbed up followed by an unreadable expression. He bent over in excess to murmur something in her ear. Her face twisted, I wasn’t sure if it was meant to be a whisper or not but I heard Brooke saying “Of course I’m serious” In a harsh way.

I watched how his face hardened but got replaced with a smile and a nod.

“Sure babe” He said then bended over again to kiss her on the chin. Brooke rolled her eyes along with a smile then said:

“Then it’s settled”

“I hate when they kiss each other like that when I’m eating” Hailey said gagging. I laughed at her, she’s so cute.

“You’re probably also going to do that one day” I told her. She gave me a disbelieving look.

“Me kissing a boy? Making disgusting noises?” Hailey seemed to think about it while I was frowning. I sure as heaven do not want to hear those noises.

Hailey shook her head vigorously.

“Eww noo! I’m never getting a boyfriend! They are all like Mason and I don’t want to kiss a boy, they smell like dead fish!” She exclaimed. Well at least she’s not thinking about boys already. I smiled at her. Soon enough everyone was staring at Hailey. She shifted uncomfortably and said:


We all burst out laughing and she stuck her tongue out.

We talked for a while longer until Brooke finally announced that she was going home. I gave her my number. She thanked me and told me she would call me then she stood up along with Tristan. He followed her to the door. I could hear how they were sucking each other’s faces off and making disgusting sounds. I frowned, gosh I get Hailey.

“See? That’s what I’m talking about isn’t it disgusting?” She nodded her head. She seemed proud of making a point. I nodded my head with her.


“Do you want to see my room?”

“Sure why not?” Hailey grinned and clapped her hands. We went up and Hailey took my hand and lead my up the big steps. As said the house was breathless and so was the stairs. We came to a wide hall with many doors. At the left there was a sofa and a TV adapted to the wall. On the wall above the sofa there was a pretty painting which I guess cost a fortune. It was like a small living room. Then there were doors a bit further. On one of the doors on the left side it was written Guest room and then there was a toilet. On the right side there was 3 rooms one which it stood guestroom and two others without anything attached or written on them. At the front there was yet another hall. Hailey dragged me to her room. Just as the rest of the house her room was beautiful. She smiled proudly and showed me around her big room. Even though her room was kind of childish I couldn’t help feeling a bit jealous.

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