6: Five Feet Tall

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Media: Frank and Zero (this pic is perfect for this jfc)

The room was cold and musky when I had awoke the next morning. My back hurt due to the hard material of the couch along with the awkward position I ended up in sometime in the night. I had no idea what time it was or if Zero was even awake yet, but when I heard shuffling around in the kitchen, I was pretty sure he was. At least, I hoped it was him. Of course I hoped a fucking serial killer was in the kitchen. Never would've thought that's something I would want.

Zero emerged from the kitchen a few minutes later with a steaming cup of coffee in his hands, and he looked far less 'put together' than usual. He was completely void of his regular tight black attire, and a baggy white t-shirt clung to his shoulders instead. He had dark blue plaid pajama pants hanging on his hips, and for once in the last few days, I didn't feel like the odd one out. Another thing I noticed was the lack of dark red shadows around his eyes, which had confirmed my suspicions that it was all makeup. His hair was in a state of disarray, and he looked relatively grumpy as he crossed the room and groaned before sitting on the couch, mug still in hand.

I smoothed down my hair a bit after sitting up and stretching, then moved over a bit to give Zero more room since technically I was a guest in his house. Well, no... I was more of a captive victim but I didn't want to blow my chances at life. Literal life. I don't think he'd kill me over being a couch hog but I should least use decent house manners, I guess.

"Sleep okay?" Zero grumbled before taking a sip of the hot coffee, which actually quite surprised me because he barely said a word to me yesterday, other than the occasional snarky comment. He actually asked me a question that wasn't lacking any feelings whatsoever.

"Uh, not really." I started, raising my thumb to my mouth to chew on the nail. "You?"

"Eh, decent." He replied, shortly before the atmosphere grew quiet and tense once again. I gave him props for trying, though.

Zero just reached towards the coffee table and picked up an old looking tv remote, which matched the old looking tv. By old, I mean giant-ass early 2000's widescreen tv, not old as in vintage and cool. The tv switched on, and I was interested until I realized that Zero wasn't going to switch the channel from the news. For all I knew, it was the only channel he had. Either that, or he had to watch to see if the police found out anything about the multiple mysterious murders he's committed over the years. I decided on the latter when I began to listen.

"-was last seen in his New York home in Greenwich Village, Manhattan. As Iero claims, his son was present in the apartment when he himself had left at 11pm, and came home later in the night to find his apartment door ajar and the boy was no longer present, yet all of his son's shoes and other belongings were still there. Police suggest that either he left by himself, or he was taken. There are no current reports of his whereabouts, but if you see this young man, please dial 911. Don't try to approach him." A picture of me flashed on the screen. "Frank Iero jr is a 17 year old Caucasian male. He has long dark brown hair which is slightly curly, and green eyes. He is 5 feet and 6 inches tall, small build, and can speak and read English. His father is desperate, and a reward may be placed for whoever finds him"

I sighed as they started talking about another story I didn't care about, and rubbed my temples. "Do they really gotta point out my height?"

"Well... you are significantly small, it would make sense that they would use that as something to help track you down." Zero stated matter-of-factly, eyes still trained on the tv. "you know, I might not get away with this one."

I shot him a surprised glance at that last statement. "Wh-"

"Usually they'd find the body and have no more reason to search for the missing person. They're not gonna find a body this time. It'll be months before they give up, especially when your dad is offering a reward. You've got me fucked, Frankie." He explained. It did make a lot of sense. I sighed again and closed my eyes, I really was gonna have no freedom if I went through with this. I don't even know why I was still doing this. Yeah, if i leave McCracken will kill me. Not if I get home first, not if I call the police and turn both of them in before they can get to me. And then i'd be back at home, with my dad, and everything would be okay.

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