17: Drugstore Perfume

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media: Frank being gay ??

"Wake up," I heard a voice, along with a tugging feeling on my ankle. That proceeded to me being almost rolled off the couch as the result of Gerard violently shaking me awake. "Get up, you're on the remote." He repeated. I groaned before rolling over and grabbing the tv remote from under me, placing it on the coffee table, and then closing my eyes again, not moving.

"Why did you sleep on the couch anyways?" He asked, shoving my feet off the couch and sitting where they used to be. I bent my knees then, curling up in a ball of sleep. "Frank!"

"Mmh- couldn't sleep. Watched the news." I replied, hearing the tv sound come back on as he un-muted it.

"See anything?"


"And what was that?"

"Dad's dead. My disappearance is connected to the deaths of Faith McGregor and Robert McCracken." I opened my eyes and looked at him, waiting for a reaction. I was still curled up in my comfortable sleep ball, though the tiredness was slowly fading away as I regained consciousness.

"So they found your dad?" Gerard confirmed, and I nodded. He hesitated slightly before asking another question. "So... You want me to take you in...?"

I nodded slowly, then sat up on the couch. I flattened out my hair and yawned before turning my attention to Gerard again.

"You're still sure about this?" I just looked at him. "'Course you are." He grumbled and I chuckled lightly.

"Yeah, we've already gotten this far..." It's not like I would stop now. All I wanted was to be able to be free again, to walk around outside without hiding, not have to worry about some crazy dude that wanted to kill me, and most of all, go on dates with Gerard. Or just go outside with him. Just, to be with him publicly. And hopefully I could convince him to stop killing people and get a real job. That would also be nice.

"Is it bad that I really wanna fuck right now?" Gerard stated out of the blue, causing me to send him a side glance from where my eyes were previously trained on the tv. "Y'know, cause I could go to jail." He finished. It amazed me that he could be so forward with everything. Either he didn't think before he spoke or he actually just knew I was head over heels into him and wouldn't second guess a thing he said. He knew I would do anything he asked me to whenever he wanted it. It wasn't the most healthy thing on my part but it was shamefully true.

"I, uh... No?"

"Like, no as in you don't think it's bad that I really wanna fuck right now, or no as in you don't want to fuck?" He asked, and I looked down at my lap. I couldn't ever make eye contact in these situations. I wasn't really awkward over the whole sex thing anymore to tell you the truth, I was actually pretty confident. I just didn't really know how to answer his question.

"Well first things first, I don't fuck. That makes it seem so bland-"

"So like was that no as in its not bad that I really wanna have sex with you right now or was that a no as in you don't wanna have sex with me?" He rephrased, making me exhale through my nose in a half laugh at how needy he was. Like I said, I never took him for a whore until he got horny. That's the only time he ever really was sexual. If he's not down-set on getting laid right then and there, there would be nothing even remotely close to an innuendo coming from his mouth.

"Why don't you just start over..." I suggested. I wasn't gonna fuck him just because he felt like it, I don't think we're really at that point in the relationship yet. I don't even know if we had a relationship at all. I mean yeah of course I'm helplessly into him and he clearly has feelings for me too but we're not considered boyfriends. Not to mention I'm still confused over that whole 'I love you' thing. I'm sure it was nothing. But either way I don't wanna enter a relationship based on sex. I'm not that easy.

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