7: Death of a Bachelor

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TW - blood, death (this warning counts for all other chapters with blood and death so nothing gets spoiled further on)
Media: The victim

"You want me to do what?" I asked in disbelief. That sly smile was still slapped on his face. The person who called had just set up another job with Zero, and he just asked me to come with him to help bury the body. I didn't want a single fucking thing to do with his stupid killing schemes.

"It's not like I'm asking you to kill her, pansy. You don't even have to touch her. Just dig hole and shove her in there." He stuck out his bottom lip and cocked his head to the side in a fake pout. "Don't wanna get your wittle pretty boy hands dirty?"

"Oh yeah, I'm afraid I might break a nail." I scoffed at him. When I had offered to help, I meant like putting away dishes or doing his laundry or something. Not fucking burying a body for him.

"C'mon. We only have until tomorrow and we gotta go to Monroeville. I won't make you help but you gotta at least come with." He decided and then disappeared back into his bedroom. It was the only room in the house I hadn't even got a glimpse of. He returned again in a few minutes in his regular black attire, and a duffle bag. I had assumed he'd packed another set of clothes to replace when these ones get bloody. Bile rose in my throat at the thought of it, him covered in so much blood that he had to put on a new set of clothes. A shiver ran down my spine, and i decided to just forget about it. I noticed that Zero also had a few items of clothing in his other hand, which he reached towards me.

"Ya stink." Was all he said before shoving the clothes to my chest and walking to the kitchen. I caught the clothes before they fell, and looked at them. There was a pair of black jeans and a black hoodie with a white wolf and other almost unintelligible white letters on it. I pulled it on over my white tshirt, and then looked at the jeans. I decided I should probably get changed in the bathroom, so I obliged. When I was done, I exited the bathroom, just leaving my old pyjama pants on the floor. The new pants Zero had lent me were incredibly tight, which didn't really surprise me 'cause they're all he ever wore.

He was already at the door when I returned, holding a folded up garbage bag, his knife, and some duct tape. He kicked a pair of old ratty black converse towards me, to which I happily pulled onto my feet. I hadn't worn shoes in days. I then followed him out the door, repeating the ritual of watching him lock all three locks and then waiting for him to unlock the car. At least this time, I didn't have to stand on the cold concrete. I swung open the car door as soon as I heard the click of the automatic lock, and got in, while Zero threw the duffle bag and other supplies into the back seat. I thought he was forgetting something until I recognized the knife sitting in his waistband.

"So... Monroeville." I mumbled. That was at least a 5 and a half hour drive from Belleville. We had to drive through New Jersey, and basically all the way to the other side of Pennsylvania. It was literally half an hour away from the border with Ohio, which was a really long fucking drive from here. Adding to that, it was already nearing 3pm, so we'd probably get back at like, 4 or 5 in the morning depending on how long it takes to find the girl and finish the job. "What did she do to piss of your guy?"

"He caught her sleeping with someone else. And now she won't stop accusing him of abuse and shit an getting the court involved to make him seem like the bad guy. Fuckin' hate liars. And cheaters. So, I'd be happy to slit her throat and watch her bleed." Zero explained, and I nodded slowly. I was a little creeped out by his dark eyes and tone of voice. Or a lot creeped out.

"Reasonable" I said, with little to no truth behind my words.

"Yeah... We should stop to eat on the way. Maybe get somethin' before we leave town." Zero suggested, which sounded like heaven to me. An actual meal.

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