21: Millions

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Media: Frank and Gerard getting ready ??

I turned the television onto the news channel only for the sole purpose of seeing what the date was. It's been over a week since last time I asked, that was for sure.

For finally being free to be seen in public, we really hadn't done anything yet. Gerard's been applying for jobs. He doesn't really get the whole 'settle for something small so you can financially support yourself until you get a real job' sort of thing. He's been aiming high since the start, putting together character sketches and ideas into a portfolio to give to comic book labels, calling schools to see if he could be some kind of art teacher, and even bought himself a drawing tablet for graphic art. He's using an old laptop he hasn't used in over a year for that, but it worked.

I was proud of him for all the work he was doing. He was getting older, it was time for him to start actually doing something legal. But then again he is 26 and I shouldn't be worrying about his life, that's his to control. As long as it's not directly affecting me like it was.

We never went on that date either. I'm not really sure Gerard wants to go on it at all. I couldn't help but to be a little old fashioned at times... though he seemed to hate it. He hated all things romance. Dates, holding hands, flowers, etc. They seem to just make him uncomfortable if anything. Personally, I was just a little curious because i've never really gone on a date before. I sighed, drawing my attention back to the TV to do what I had originally planned to do; check the date.

February 14th. Hm. Would it be too cliche if I asked Gerard to go on a date with me (for the third time) today? Probably. I don't even know if I should. I hate Valentine's day. I always have. Not because I've never had anyone to celebrate it with, but because it was all so pointless. Same with Christmas. I hate it all. Why do we need a day to celebrate our loved ones? Why can't we do that every day? See, Valentine's day is no different than any other day for me. I guess it wouldn't make sense for me to not ask him again today then... it's just any other day. I don't hate Valentine's day, i'm just indifferent with it.

He's in his bedroom right now, and judging by the past week, he was probably drawing. I don't even know what he's drawing. He finished his portfolio already. I guess he's just drawing for fun at this point.

I shut the TV off, standing up and walking to his- our bedroom, I guess, and knocked quietly before slowly pushing the door open. I wasn't nervous at all since I've already asked him and it's basically already a set plan for us to go on a date. I just have to ask if he wants to do it today. Gerard closed his sketchbook when he noticed me walk into the room, an act I had grown used to. I don't know why he was so secretive all the time. He's only shown me a few pieces from his portfolio and that was it. They were amazing though, I'm sure all his other stuff is great whether that's the reason he doesn't want to show me or not, but, I've seen nothing else.

"Hey, Frank." He spun his office chair around to face me after placing his sketchbook on the desk.

"Hey, um..." I started, causing Gerard to raise an eyebrow at me, expectantly. "Remember how you said you'd go on a date with me?" I tried, the corner of my mouth turned up into a hopeful smile. He had a smug sort of smile, meaning he probably had guessed what I was going to say and was right.

"Let me guess. 'It's Valentine's day Gerard, it's the perfect day to go on a date.'" He chuckled, speaking in a higher voice to imitate mine.

"No, actually. I hate Valentine's day. I just wanna go on a date with you, we've been putting it off for so long... please?" I looked up at him through my eyelashes, sticking out my bottom lip only slightly. He just chuckled again.

"Are you really using a puppy face on me?" I kept looking at him. He just shook his head with an amused smile on his face, before leaning forwards and pecking me on the lips. "Cause it's working." I dropped the act and smiled, satisfied.

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