12: Remember Me

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(A/N: SURPRISE LATE THURSDAY NIGHT UPDATE. I just felt like uploading. I'm still gonna post Ch13 on Sunday and trust me, it's gonna be lit. This chapter's kinda short but whatever. Get ready for chaos in the next few chapters btw. Subtle chaos. Ps I'm turning 17 in July and I don't know how I feel abt that. -Dylan)
Media: Gerard

My head was fucking pounding. I lifted my head off the pillow and looked around, confused. I had no idea where I was. I squinted at the light shining through the thin red drapes over the small window surrounded by a wall painted black. All of the walls in this room were black. I knew I'd never been in this room before. I turned around in the bed to look around more, trying to make sense of what was going on. My eyes widened when I saw a passed out Gerard next to me.

So this must be Gerard's room. I looked around again, wondering why the hell I was even in here. I remembered drinking with Gerard in the living room last night, and then- oh. Oh. Oh my god.


I froze when I felt Gerard stir beside me, not knowing what I'd even say to him. I didn't even know if I could look at him. The stirring turned into stretching and then, he opened his eyes. He looked at me confused.

"Frank?" He brought a hand up to his head, massaging his temple indicating that he too had a headache. "Why are you in my room?"

I just stared back at him, not knowing if I should bring it up or just let him figure it out on his own. It seemed like he already did, because his confused expression turned into one of realization.

"Oh, fuck... did we- did we, uh...?" I nodded slowly, probably looking just as shocked as he did. Images of last night began flashing in my mind. His pale skin against mine, my hands yanking his hair so hard that a few strands came out, and oh, the look on his face as he came... And not to mention the sounds that came out of his mouth... All of those things were something I probably should've never experienced but fuck, it was hot.

Gerard was silent, probably running over the events of last night just like I was.

"I uh..." I began, not exactly sure what I was planning on saying, but talking anyways. "I had a good time last night..."

"Fuck," was all he said, poking his tongue against the inside of his bottom lip, still in thought. "Fuck." He repeated.

"Was that... A bad thing? I'm sorry.. It doesn't have to happen again, I-"

"No, fuck..." He cut me off, which was probably a good thing because knowing me, I would've kept rambling for hours. "My ass hurts."


"No it's, it's a good kind of pain, I guess. Means last night must've been hot as shit."

"You don't remember?"

"Vaguely. I remember it happening I just don't remember anything about it..." He explained. There was something about that that disappointed me. I wanted him to remember. I wanted him to remember every single detail and know he was right that it was definitely fucking hot. I wanted him to want to do it again, sober. Oh god I was so into him... What happened last night was probably what made it click in my head that I had grown more than fond of him. I was shaken from my thoughts when there was a loud bang on the door.

"Belleville PD" a strong voice came from outside the front door, and I looked at Gerard with wide eyes.

"Get under the bed, quick" He ordered, getting out of the bed, only in his boxers, and I couldn't help but stare for a few seconds before snapping out of it and doing what he said. He pulled on jeans and a t-shirt, then combed his hair and walked to the bedroom door.

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