2: Not All Aussies Surf

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 2: Not All Aussie's Surf

(Summer's POV)

"Good luck Miss Embers, enjoy your first day" Sal motioned to me as I stood outside the door of the car, a BMW. "Please, how many times do I have to ask, for you to call me Summer?" I replied in frustration. 

He only chuckled, "As many times as I say it Miss Embers."

What a smart ass. 

"Oh and meet me here in the afternoon, Mr Carter will be coming with us also." 

I finally get to meet this 'Mr Carter'. It is all the old hag talks about. "Blah blah, my son is amazing at football, blah blah my son is going to Cambridge university. Blah blah blah." I had to do my fair bit of research to realise she meant Soccer and that Cambridge was quite an amazing university. England is going to get some getting used to. 


I walked into the school office and was greeted by a secretary. She looked as though she was in her mid thirties, the bags under her eyes showed that she worked hard to support her family. The wedding ring on her finger was tight so he must be dead as it looks as though she has never taken it off. The uneven eyeliner showed she had been running late this morning. 

"Miss Summer Embers, welcome to Cambridge Private. We will be introducing you at assembly. Here is your time table and Vanessa will be showing you around." She handed me a paper and pointed to a girl sitting in another room. The secretary didn't even smile, what a bitch.

The girl was beautiful with blond hair and green eyes, a body to die for and some glasses on her eyes. I could just tell they were those fake hipster kind but I didn't comment because I didn't want to judge her. "Hey there gorgeous welcome to a high school that is so stereotypical it could have been a book. I'm Regina George and you can not sit with me." She said it with seriousness as she snapped her fingers but I could sense the glint of amusement in her eyes. I liked this girl, we are going to be the best of friends. 

Evan's POV (point of view)

"Hey Evan we should probably head to the assembly room, word has it that this hot girl is starting here and she is going to be shown off on stage" Josh stated a glint of hungriness in his eyes. Apparently he need some new bait, because last night's girl was just a total airhead. 

"Fuck no, if everyone's going to be in assembly maybe we should go into random classrooms and write some stuff on the white boards." The twins Kade and Kevin said, totally uninterested in the female specie when there could be vandalism happening. 

"Seriously Josh, that's disgusting go find a hooker don't go banging random girls." Jack said. He was definitely the soft hearted one but he had by far the most badass look out of all of us. It kinda scary actually. 

"I wanna see the chick, maybe I can get her into my bed" I chuckled, I was just trying to piss jack off but I was kinda amused, this could be a chance to get rid of my baggage. 


The five of us walked towards the school assembly hall and people moved out of our ways, girls eyes bulged out of our heads and every eye was on us. 

When we reached the assembly hall we stood around the back and watched the principal, Mr Hawkin talk about respect and discipline and a whole lot of bullshit. 

"So now I want to introduce Miss Summer Embers who is going to talk a bit about herself. It isn't everyday we get a straight A student all the way from Australia." 

I glanced over to the boys and saw Jack's eyes widen at the fact she was a straight A student and Josh, kade and Kevin's eyes glisten from the fact she could have a surfer body. 

My jaw literally dropped when I saw the girl walk up to the stage, she had a killer body, brown sun kissed hair and green surfer eyes. Every person's eyes were glued to her, the girls envied her and boy's wanted to get into her pants. 

"Ok, first of all I have 3 things to say right now so that we can make ourself clear. I have lived in Australia my entire life and I have never ever seen a Koala or a Kangaroo or a Wombat so please don't even mention the fact that they live I'm my backyard.

I have never seen the outback, the Great Barrier Reef or the desert either. I have seen the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge just because I lived in Sydney. 

And last of all no, I don't surf, explore the outback or play NRL. Oh and if any of you guys say 'gday mate' I will not hesitate to end your life. I don't want any stereotypical stuff being said. Ok are we clearI" Her voiced dripping with an Australian accent, she shifted her weight from her foot as the whole school stood in silence. 

"I like this girl." Josh said, and I could just catch the amazement in his eyes. This girl was definitely something. And I planned to make her mine.

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