14: Crushing On My Boob-Holder

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Total story recap:

Summer moved to England from Australia and moved into the Carter estate. Evan and Summer were always fighting. Summer gets invited to Josh and Vanessa's sleepover and Jack asks her out. On Jack and Summer's first date, Evan spies on them because he wants to know what is so different about Summer. When Summer catches him they get into a fight.

Summer and Evan are also both passionate about football (soccer) and both fight for the captain spot. They both receive captain and co-captain and are required to work as a team. Things get heated and a prank war erupts. Jack asked Summer to be his girlfriend and Summer had gotten closer to Josh and Vanessa.

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Summer's POV:

Sleeping pills are my saviour. For the past couple days after we pulled that prank on Evan I haven't gotten a wink of sleep. I'd toss and turn, I tried counting sheep, singing the alphabet, even singing the Macarena but not a single thing worked. So on the first night I didn't sleep. The next night, however, I did sleep but I woke up minutes later, drenched in sweat and the image if my father beating me.

So I gave in to the drugs. The only problem with my sleeping pills are that they are super concentrated which means I turn into not even a heavy sleeper more like an elephant-carrying-the-weight-of-the-universe sleeper. It causes me to sleep talk. So I guess that's how Evan became closer to cracking my secret.

Evan's POV:

I tiptoed into the house being super careful not to make a sound. The door creaked and I held my breath as I made my way up towards Summer's
room. Part one of my Super-Awesome-Evan-is-sexy Prank was about to take place. Epic name, I know, I know.

My fingers grasped the cool metal of Summer's door handle and I turned it as slowly as I could, making sure to make no noise. I slipped into her room and my shoes hit her tiled floor. I looked towards her bed and she was sprawled underneath the comforter, she was deep asleep and was breathing heavily. It was 2am in the morning and I was coming home from Bianca's house when part one came to me. It was quite genius.

"No...Stop...Don't." She trashed around in her bed and my breath caught in my throat. What if she wakes up? Her body went limp and she collapsed into a deep sleep. Her breathing drifted back to an even pace and I relaxed. That was close. I reached over her bad and my eyes nearly fell out of their sockets.



My eyes narrowed and I tried to read the packet. Phew, okay they are only sleeping pills. I just dodged a bullet. Wait a minute... This is perfect. There's no way she'll wake up now! I picked up the permanent marker from my pocket and inched forward so that I was hovering above her. I popped the lid and Summer stirred from underneath me. Shrugging it off I pressed the marker to the skin of her neck. My hands moved and it left black marks on her skin. I read online that if you rub baby powder then spray hairspray on it that it lasts for more than a month. No matter how hard you scrub. Perfect.

My fingers left her neck and moved towards towards her arm. I left the marks on her stomach, thigh and foot. I rubbed in the baby powder and she shivered at the coldness of the hairspray at her cold skin.

I smiled proudly at my work and turned on my heel to leave when Summer stirred in her sleep. She began to thrash around as her hands hit the bed.

"No! Dad! Don't hit me. No. Please. I'm sorry. Not again. Sorry... Sorry... Sorry..."

She apologised over and over, each time quieter and softer then the one before it until it was barely a whisper. Her body went limp again and she curled herself into a tight ball, pulling her legs into her chest. She wrapped the blanket tightly around her as she began breath heavily.

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