#1. And so it Begins

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Morgan Martins

Pop! Pop!

Man could this shit not be happening today. I honestly don't need this shit today

Pop! Pop! Pop!

Andy, my "bodyguard", shot back. Why this nigga was my bodyguard was beyond me. I mean, the way I see it, the nigga was incompetent. We shouldn't even be shot at if he had been doing his job properly

"Andy, what the fuck is happening out there?!" I yelled. Should've known when I woke up this morning that shit just wasn't gonna go my way. Should've listened to my gut feeling, especially when it came to this fool over here

"Nothing I can't handle miss Mo! You ain't gotta worry ma'am" Andy yelled back. More gunshots ensued, and from the looks of how things were going on around here, I wasn't going home anytime soon. Either that, or without a bullet in my ass

I had just came out of a business meeting, when outta left field there was gunshots, and I was pushed to the floor. Like I couldn't handle myself, not like these fool's knew that I could I thought to myself

I got up from the hiding spot that Andy had shoved me in, whipped my silver 9 mil with my name engraved on it (that pops unknowingly got me for my birthday), and started firing back

See, what most people didn't know, was that I was a hell of a marksman, which made it easy for me to put half my clip in the bodies of the three niggas that were shooting at us. Well mainly me. By the time I was done, all of them were laying one the ground, their bodies lifeless

Did I care? No, but the look Andy gave me told me that he was scared shitless. Nobody knew how reckless I was, except my sister and my brothers, and nobody would ever know about it neither

In my dad's eyes, his kids were squeaky clean. A bunch of good innocent kids, who didn't know nothing about his illegal activities. All we knew were the so called "legal" once. He didn't think we knew the dark nature he harboured, but we knew all about them, which was one of the reasons why all his kids were so blood thirsty

You might be wondering why there's people shooting at me? Well that's easy to answer, my pops is a kingpin. He is the kingpin, Andre "the Silencer" Martins. Pops was the biggest drug lord in all of Southern Africa, but a couple years ago he got ran out, so he moved his empire to the States, or more along the lines of, he went global with his shit...but we were too young to remember

Ain't nobody wanted to be here, but here we are. It's been close to twenty years since we got here. Twenty years of niggas trying to kill our family, but none have succeeded. Niggas were so scared of my pops coming here, that they were willing to die in order to kill his ass, or at least one of us. Not saying we haven't been hit before, but nothing to fatal

Plus the way I see it, you can't kill someone who has the kinda skills that we have

Plus the way I see it, you can't kill someone who has the kinda skills that we have

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Oh yeah by the way, the name is Morgan Martins. The deadliest sharp shooter, hell gun yielder, in my dad's entire empire. I am the first of four, got three siblings who are just as fucked up as I am

My sister Ellen loves knives, she got a secret closet filled with them. She's been using knives since she was 5 years old, and she hella good at it. She uses a knife so quick on a nigga, slice you up before you could even see it coming

My two bros on the other hand were mix martial art masters, better with their hands than any object, super quick and hot heads to boot(ait, we all were, but them nineteen year olds were waaayyy worse). When they need an extra boost, they used swords, Ellen was better, but my little niggas try

Together we were a lethal force that nobody wanted to cross, everyone around us knew that taking over our dad's empire was not something we wanted to do, but when the time came, we would kick ass and ask questions later

Mums on the other hand was a very successful business woman. She had beauty shops, and fast food restaurants, which she handled very well. She's been making her own money before her and my dad got together. How she met my dad is a mystery to all of us, but he says she calmed him down somewhat, and without her, he wouldn't be the man he is today. I guess one could say that mums was the Queen and whatever the Queen wanted, the Queen got, no questions asked

 I guess one could say that mums was the Queen and whatever the Queen wanted, the Queen got, no questions asked

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The Queen/Morgan's mother

Pops made sure that he never mixed his illegal businesses with mums, even though she knew what he did on the side, he always made sure that mums money was legally obtained. Them two were cute together

Back to the present, and Andy's lame ass, "Yo," he stammered, "I...I didn't know you could do that" Andy looked at me in shock

I looked at him with venom in my eyes "Do what nigga? You ain't seen shit, and if you utter a word to my pops or mums, ain't nobody finna know what happened to your ass...best believe that boi" I fucked my gun back where it had been before I pulled it out

He might've not known how I operate, but he'll learn soon enough. If this nigga didn't catch amnesia pretty soon, let's just say that he would be disappearing faster than he could take another breath

I didn't want, nor did I need my folks knowing the type of shit I was capable of, I liked keeping my shit a secret. The less people knew, especially my folks, the better it would be for me and my peoples

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