#8. New Beginnings

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Calvin Núñez

I kept looking at the doorway, seeing as Morgan hadn't come back yet from getting herself something to eat

"She'll be back soon" I heard Paul say, so I looked over at him, "Probably got highjacked by pops, especially seeing as he knows now" he said, twisting his pinkie ring around his finger

I shook my head, "Nuh" I stood and walked over to the table to pour myself a glass of bourbon, "he only knows that Mo is involved, not all of you guys" I turned to look at the crew, while I leaned on the table

"So wait" Ellen put her hand up like she was in a classroom, "the people who clearly know that Mo is part of the 4M's, they think she's the only person in the crew?" Ellen gave me a concerned look

I hadn't thought about that till Ellen brought it up. And the fact that it looked as though only Mo was the target of the whole thing, "Shit!" I had to figure out who was after Mo, before she got into some shit that I can't protect her from

"Rodney" I hit up one of my tech guys, to find out who's after the M's, "Yeah, I'ma need you to find out who took the pictures of Morgan Martins...yeah her. Get back to me as soon as you can" I hung up, just as Mo was walking back with a sandwich on her plate

She looked at her crew, then at me, before sitting down, "There's no need to worry, I already know who it is" she said, taking a bite out of her sandwich

She cocked an eyebrow at me, still nibbling on her sandwich. I guess she's trying to tell me something, but hell I'm lost right about now

"You think it's him?" Ro spoke up, after realising that I wasn't getting where Morgan was going

Mo nodded, "The streets have been talking about the fact that the M's have been hired to take him out" she shrugged, dusting the crumbs off her fingers, "Guess he did enough recon to find out that I'm the "M"" she said, making air quotes with her fingers, "Stupid motherfucker should've realised that I'm only ¼ of the M's" she put the plate on the coffee table

"We got some shit to deal with" she came over to where I was standing, taking a sip on the bourbon I had poured, "So I'ma need you to leave" she gave me them puppy dog eyes I hate, and kissed me on the cheek then turned to walk away

Like hell I was gonna let her deal with this shit on her own, so I grabbed her by wrist, "That ain't going to work for me" I told her, pulling her close, "I already have my guys working on dealing with whoever is after you" I told her

"It's your brother numbskull" Ro interrupted me, "And, we the best at what we do, hence why she wants you gone. We'll deal with this like the professionals that we are" he walked out the living room, mugging the hell out of me on his way out

Paul made a scoffing/chuckling sound, then smirked at me, "Guess I ain't the only one who doesn't like you" he too stood, and left the room, leaving Morgan, Ellen and me

Ellen looked remorseful at the fact that I clearly wasn't liked, "Look, just keep her safe, and they'll warm up to you" she smiled timidly, "Maybe" she added, as she too left

I sighed. If I had known that this was what I'd deal with just to have Morgan bear my last name, shit, I would've married her ass a long time ago. I mean, shit went better than I thought it would

Here I was worried that I would die, if I finally got the girl that I love to be with me, when in reality, just because her family loves her so much, they are willing to deal with me. Plus, it doesn't hurt that we have a common goal, getting rid of my brother once and for all

Yeah I get it, my mother wanted Cole back home and alive, but who's to say that he ain't gonna start this shit again? And frankly, I'm getting sick and tired of bailing that boy out of the shit that he gets himself stuck in

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